Controlling redlegged earth mite, Halotydeus destructor (Acari: Penthaleidae), with a spring spray in legume pastures

T.J. Ridsdill-Smith, C.,C. Pavri

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    6 Citations (Scopus)


    The use of a TIMERITE® spring spray to control redlegged earth mite (RLEM), Halotydeus destructor (Tucker) (Acari: Penthaleidae), in annual pastures was evaluated on farms across Australia. RLEM populations in autumn in the treatments sprayed in spring 1998 and 1999 were 97% lower in 1999 and 97% in 2000 in the western region (Western Australia), and 93% lower in 1999 and 93% in 2000 in the eastern region (Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia). At sites in the west, control of RLEM resulted in significant increases in subterranean clover seed yield in 1999 and in clover seedling numbers in autumn 1999 and 2000. Penthaleus major (blue oat mite) populations in autumn were 60% lower in sprayed treatments, but Sminthurus viridis (lucerne flea) populations were not affected. Differences in weather between the west (where there is a hot, dry summer) and the east (where temperature and rainfall regimes are more variable in spring and early summer) seem to cause greater RLEM control and greater benefits in subterranean clover seed yield and seedling numbers with a spring spray in the west.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)938-946
    JournalCrop and Pasture Science
    Issue number9
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


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