Conductivity freeze-out in isotopically pure Si -28 at millikelvin temperatures

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1 Citation (Scopus)


Silicon is a key semiconducting material for electrical devices and hybrid quantum systems where low temperatures and zero-spin isotopic purity can enhance quantum coherence. Electrical conductivity in Si is characterized by carrier freeze out at around 40 K allowing microwave transmission, which is a key component for addressing spins efficiently in silicon quantum technologies. In this work, we report an additional sharp transition of the electrical conductivity in a Si-28 cylindrical cavity at around 1 K. This is observed by measuring microwave resonator whispering gallery mode frequencies and Q factors with changing temperature and comparing these results with finite-element models. We attribute this change to a transition from a relaxation mechanism-dominated to a resonant phononless absorption-dominated hopping conduction regime. Characterizing this regime change represents a deeper understanding of a physical phenomenon in a material of high interest to the quantum technology and semiconductor device community and the impact of these results is discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Article number064002
JournalPhysical Review Applied
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2024


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