Comparing engineering practice in South Asia and Australia

Vinay Domal

    Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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    The thesis presents a qualitative investigation of engineering practice in South Asia and Australia in order to learn about engineering practice and the differences between an industrialised country context and a developing world context. Through a series of interviews, participant observations and focus group interviews it discloses the dynamics of how engineers relate to work, to clients, to suppliers, to managers and to each other. It also examines the perceptions and experiences of their daily work practice in two different worlds. The study introduces the concept of dimensions to call attention to the differences uncovered from detailed analysis of engineering practice in South Asia and Australia. The first dimension is the ability of an engineer to coordinate and exercise authority within their own department as well as outside the company and how this makes a difference in the engineering outcomes. The second dimension involves the strength and effectiveness of organizational procedures and policies and how they contribute to productivity and quality differences. The third dimension involves supervision practices used for technical work. The fourth dimension is the skills and knowledge of production supervisors. Finally the fifth dimension involves perceptions of labour costs and how these perceptions influence daily decision-making. By engaging in actual practice, this study makes a concrete contribution to the debates surrounding both technical and social aspects of engineering practice.
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
    Publication statusUnpublished - 2010


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