Combating suburban sprawl through state government planning policy: evaluating the implementation of the 'Liveable neighbourhoods design guidelines' and associations with talking behaviour

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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{Truncated abstract] The introduction of the "Liveable Neighbourhoods Design Guidelines" (LNG) as a state planning policy in Perth (Western Australia) provided a unique opportunity for such a natural experiment. The policy's community design, movement network, lot layout and public parkland elements aimed to provide an alternative approach to the design of suburbs to create compact, sustainable and pedestrian-friendly neighbourhoods and encourage more walking, cycling and public transport use (Western Australian Planning Commission, 2000). In 2003, the RESIDential Environments Project (RESIDE) commenced to assess the impact of the policy on the behaviours of residents moving into new developments across Perth. In order to judge the impact(s) of the LNG against its intended walking outcomes, it was essential to determine the degree of compliance with the policy. This study conducted a process evaluation to quantify the levels of implementation of the LNG requirements within the selected housing developments. An outcome evaluation was also undertaken with the aim of examining the associations between the implementation of the LNG and the walking behaviours of the RESIDE participants resident in these developments. Methods Measures were developed and computed in GIS for all measurable LNG requirements (n=43). Each requirement was 'scored' according to its measured level of implementation against LNG standards and specifications. Scores were computed for each of the four elements as well an as overall/total score. Compliance was defined as the degree to which the construction of the housing developments adhered to the standards outlined in the LNG.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Publication statusUnpublished - 2013


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