Co-occurrence of Proteaceae, laterite and related oligotrophic soils: coincidental associations or causative inter-relationships

John Pate, W.H. Verboom, P.D. Galloway

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    81 Citations (Scopus)


    This communication presents the hypothesis that certain Australian lateritic and related oligotrophic soils may have been partly derived biotically from soluble iron-rich complexes generated following secretion of low-molecular weight organic acids by phosphate-absorbing specialised proteoid (cluster) roots of proteaceous plants. Subsequent precipitation of the iron is then pictured as occurring onto the oxide rinds of developing laterite after consumption of the organic components of the complexes by soil bacteria. The hypothesis is first examined in relation to current theories of origins of laterites and the extent of the coincidences worldwide in past and present times between Proteaceae and oligotrophic soil types of lateritic character. The paper then provides more definitive lines of evidence supporting the hypothesis, based largely on recent studies by the authors in south-western Western Australia. This relates to (a) cases of definitive association in habitats rich in Proteaceae between zones of root proliferation and ferricrete layers in lateritic soils, (b) proximity in soil profiles between ferric deposits and current and ancestral root channels, (c) the recovery of citrate-consuming bacteria from soil profiles and specifically from ferricrete rinds and horizons accumulating sesquioxide organic matter and (d) distribution of iron and phosphorus within plant and soil profile components consistent with ferricrete rinds being generated by rhizosphere-mediated interactions of plants and microbes under conditions of severely limited availability of phosphorus. The mode of functioning of proteoid root clusters is then discussed, especially in relation to exudation of organic acid anions, uptake of phosphorus and the subsequent fate of organic anions and their metal ion complexes in the system. An empirically based scheme is presented indicating flow profiles for phosphorus and iron between soil, ferricrete rinds and bacterial and plant components. We then discuss possible carbon costs to proteaceous plant partners when accessing phosphorus under the nutrient-impoverished conditions typical of heathlands and open woodlands of Mediterranean-type ecosystems of Western Australia. The paper concludes with a critical overview of the hypothesis, particularly its implications regarding possible higher plant : microbial influences shaping soil and landscape evolution in the regions involved.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)529-560
    JournalAustralian Journal of Botany
    Publication statusPublished - 2001


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