Clinical validation of expert consensus statements for respiratory physiotherapy management of invasively ventilated adults with community-acquired pneumonia: A qualitative study

Lisa van der Lee, Anne-Marie Hill, Shane Patman

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


OBJECTIVES: To conduct multidisciplinary peer-review of expert consensus statements for respiratory physiotherapy for invasively ventilated adults with community-acquired pneumonia, to determine clinical acceptability for development into a clinical practice guideline.

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: A qualitative study was undertaken using focus groups (n = 3) conducted with clinician representatives from five Australian states. Participants were senior intensive care physiotherapists, nurses and consultants. Thematic analysis was used, with a deductive approach to confirm clinical validity, and inductive analysis to identify new themes relevant to the application of the 38 statements into practice.

SETTING: Adult intensive care.

FINDINGS: Senior intensive care clinicians from physiotherapy (n = 16), medicine (n = 6) and nursing (n = 4) participated. All concurred that the consensus statements added valuable guidance to practice; twenty-nine (76%) were deemed relevant and applicable for the intensive care setting without amendment, with modifications suggested for remaining nine statements to enhance utility. Overarching themes of patient safety, teamwork and communication and culture were identified as factors influencing clinical application. Cultural differences in practice, particularly related to patient positioning, was evident between jurisdictions. Participants raised practicality and safety concerns for two statements related to the use of head-down patient positioning.

CONCLUSION: Multidisciplinary peer-review established clinical validity of expert consensus statements for implementation with invasively ventilated adults with community-acquired pneumonia.

Original languageEnglish
Article number102854
Pages (from-to)102854
JournalIntensive and Critical Care Nursing
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2020
Externally publishedYes


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