CHILD-SAN A new disability-inclusive framework for emergency sanitation for children aged five to 11, based on a systematic review of existing guidance

Claire A. Rosato-Scott, Barbara E Evans, Dani Barrington

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


The specific sanitation needs of children aged five to 11 years old - those too old to use small potties, but usually too young to safely and confidently use adult latrines during both the day and night, and including children in this age range with disabilities - have often been overlooked in the provision of emergency sanitation. ‘CHILD‑SAN’ is therefore an acronym representing key factors for the WASH sector to consider in emergency sanitation programmes. For the full CHILD-SAN framework please see: Rosato-Scott, C.; Evans, B. and Barrington, D. 2021. CHILD-SAN: a new disability-inclusive framework for emergency sanitation for children aged five to 11, based on a systematic review of existing guidance. Journal of International Humanitarian Action. 6(1).
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2022
EventColorado WASH Symposium - Boulder, Boulder, United States
Duration: 11 Mar 202112 Mar 2021


ConferenceColorado WASH Symposium
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address


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