Chemical and isotopic investigation of the I-type Bega Batholith, southeastern Australia: Implications for batholith compositional zoning and crustal evolution in accretionary orogens

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Cordilleran granitic batholiths represent significant episodes of crustal growth and differentiation, and commonly display lateral isotopic and chemical variations. Establishing the tectono-magmatic processes responsible for generating this compositional asymmetry is important for understanding crustal evolutionary processes throughout the Phanerozoic. The Bega Batholith, an example of a ‘Cordilleran style’ granite batholith, is the largest I-type Siluro-Devonian granite complex in the Lachlan Fold Belt (LFB) of southeastern Australia and comprises seven granite supersuites that display systematic lateral isotopic and chemical asymmetry. From west to east towards the present-day continental margin, an increase in the content of Na2O, Sr, Al2O3, and P2O5, with concomitant decreases in CaO, Sc, Rb, and V are observed. In the same direction, whole-rock initial 87Sr/86Sr decreases from 0.7098 to 0.7039, εNd values increase from −8.3 to +4.4, and δ18O decreases from 10.2 ‰ to 7.9 ‰. Depleted-mantle model ages also decrease from ca. 1800 Ma in the west to 600 Ma in the east. Here, we address whether these chemical and isotopic variations were generated by interaction between two distinct components (mantle-derived magmas and supracrustal sources) or were alternatively produced by partial melting of infracrustal source rocks formed sequentially by much earlier episodes of crustal underplating. Combined whole-rock Nd-Sr-O isotopic and geochemical analyses indicate that several I-type supersuites exhibit chemical and isotopic correlations consistent with two-component magma mixing. This new evidence challenges the long-held view that I-type granites derive exclusively from the melting of infracrustal sources, and that granite terranes represent wholesale crustal reworking rather than new crustal growth. Our results show that the compositional zoning within the Bega Batholith is multifaceted. Firstly, the presence of two discrete mantle sources endows chemically and isotopically distinct eastern and western segments in the batholith. Secondly, within these compositionally distinct regions the lateral compositional changes across supersuites derives from mixing between mantle-derived and supracrustal sources. Finally, progressive extension within a developing back-arc environment regulates the ratio of crust-mantle contributions and compositional architecture of each I-type supersuite.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)79-98
Number of pages20
JournalGondwana Research
Early online date5 Oct 2024
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2025


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