Characteristics of temperature dissipation rate in a turbulent near wake

J. G. Chen, R. A. Antonia, Y. Zhou, T. M. Zhou

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2 Citations (Scopus)


This work aims to provide in-depth understanding of the effects the quasi-periodical Kármán vortices produce on the temperature dissipation rate in a turbulent cylinder near wake. Measurements are made at x/d = 10, 20 and 40, where x is the streamwise distance from the cylinder axis and d is the cylinder diameter, with a Reynolds number of 2.5 × 103 based on d and the free-stream velocity. A multi-wire probe is deployed to measure simultaneously the fluctuating temperature and its gradient vector, at nominally the same spatial point in the plane of the mean shear. It is found that the coherent streamwise and spanwise temperature derivatives are similarly distributed with respect to the spanwise vortex, exhibiting twin peaks at the temperature fronts, while the coherent lateral component is linked to the rib-like structures. The temperature variance dissipation rate is found to be statistically independent of the temperature fluctuation when the Kármán vortex is so weak (say at x/d = 40) that the large-scale temperature front resulting from the vortex entrainment ceases to be present and the coherent strain rate at the saddle region is relatively small. In addition, the most effective turbulent mixing is found to take place around the temperature front near the wake centerline, which is in contrast to the conjecture by Hussain and Hayakawa (1987).

Original languageEnglish
Article number110050
JournalExperimental Thermal and Fluid Science
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2020


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