Characterisation of the group 4 allergens from the house dust mite

Kristina Mills

    Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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    [Truncated] Background: The group 4 allergen was first isolated from the house dust mite (HDM) species Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus by Lake et al. (1991) and found to be physicochemically similar to mammalian a-amylase with a molecular weight (MW) of 60000, heterogeneous isoelectric points ranging between 5 and 7, the capacity to digest starch and bind to an organomercurial affinity matrix. This natural Der p 4 was shown in Western blotting studies to bind IgE in the serum of 46% of mite allergic adults and 25% of mite allergic children.

    Results: The cDNA encoding Der p 4 and it's homologue in Euroglyphus maynei were isolated by screening the respective cDNA libraries and sequenced. The aa sequences of Der p 4 and Eur m 4 were 90% identical and encoded 496 amino acid (aa) mature proteins with 25 and 27 aa signal peptides respectively. The calculated MW of the proteins was 57000. A single N-glycosylation site was present in Der p 4 and Eur m 4. The sequences were approximately 50% identical to other α-amylases from insects and mammals and contained highly conserved primary sequences known to be critically important for α-amylase function, confirming the identity of these proteins as α-amylase enzymes.
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
    Awarding Institution
    • The University of Western Australia
    Publication statusUnpublished - 2002

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    • This thesis has been made available in the UWA Profiles and Research Repository as part of a UWA Library project to digitise and make available theses completed before 2003. If you are the author of this thesis and would like it removed from the UWA Profiles and Research Repository, please contact [email protected]


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