Central charge as the origin of holomorphic effective action in N=2 gauge theory

Evgeny Bukhbinder, E. A. Ivanov, Iosep Buchbinder, Sergei M Kuzenko

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27 Citations (Scopus)


We show explicitly that the perturbative holomorphic contribution to the off-shell effective action of N=2 U(1) gauge supermultiplet is an entire effect of the minimal coupling to a hypermultiplet with the mass generated by a central charge in N = 2 superalgebra. The central charge is induced by a constant vacuum N = 2 gauge superfield strength spontaneously breaking the automorphism U(1)R symmetry of N = 2 superalgebra. We use the manifestly off-shell supersymmetric harmonic superspace techniques of quantum calculations with the central charge-massive hypermultiplet propagator.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1071-1082
JournalModern Physics Letters A
Issue number13
Publication statusPublished - 1998


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