Cellular automata coupled with steady-state nutrient solution permit simulation of large-scale growth of tumours

Sachin Man Bajimaya Shrestha

    Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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    In this thesis, I present a hybrid computational algorithm for simulating the complete growth of an avascular tumour. In particular, I employ cellular automaton to model the growth of cells and steady-state diffusion equation to describe the distribution of oxygen in the tumour volume. While the cellular automaton model is a discrete model, the oxygen diffusion equation, which is a partial differential equation, forms the continuum model thus making the complete model a hybrid discrete-continuum model. I show that, in the case of a brain tumour, oxygen distribution in the tumour volume may be sufficiently described by a time-independent steady-state equation without losing the characteristics of a time-dependent diffusion equation. This makes the solution of oxygen concentration in the tumour volume computationally faster and more efficient which consequently makes the simulation of tumour growth on a large scale possible. In the simulation of the complete growth of avascular tumour, I solve the steady-state equation using the central difference method to describe the distribution of oxygen in the tumour volume. My hybrid discrete-continuum model takes into account the types of cells that compose the tumour volume as well as inter-cellular adhesion in addition to processes involved in cell cycle, namely, proliferation, quiescence, apoptosis and necrosis. More importantly, I incorporate into my model cell mutation that gives rise to different phenotypes and therefore, a tumour with a heterogeneous population of cells. A new phenotype is probabilistically chosen and has the ability not only to survive at lower levels of nutrient concentration but also to reproduce faster.
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
    Publication statusUnpublished - 2013


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