Cascade effects in the excitation of np5(n+1)p states of krypton and xenon atoms by polarized electrons

D. H. Yu, James Williams, Xiangjun Chen, P.A. Hayes, K. Bartschat, V. Zeman

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5 Citations (Scopus)


The integrated Stokes parameters of the decay photons from the excited np5(n+1)p[5/2]3, np5(n+1)p′[3/2]2, and np5(n+1)p′[3/2]1 (n=5 and 6) states of Kr and Xe, respectively, are measured from near threshold to 100 eV using incident polarized electrons. The effects of the cascade photons on the Stokes parameters have been investigated using a pulsed beam of polarized electrons. The cascade effects for the final excited states are more significant for the linear polarization P1 parameter than for the circular polarization P3 parameter and they do not always have depolarization effects. The integrated state multipoles, determined from the integrated Stokes parameters corrected for cascade effects, are closer to, but not in agreement with, the values from semirelativistic R matrix and relativistic distorted-wave approximation methods.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)032707-1-032707-8
JournalPhysical Review A
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2003


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