Bush Women

Research output: Book/ReportEdited book/Anthology


This catalogue accompanied the Bush Women exhibition at the Fremantle Arts Centre, and features essays by artists and authors involved in exhibiting and curating it. Bush Women reinstalls an exhibition at the same venue from 1993, that has proved significant in the history of Western Desert painting. The exhibition is part of the rise of women artists from remote Australia that took place during the 1990s, and overturned the dominance of Aboriginal men in the Aboriginal art movement. This catalogue re-publishes essays by the artists who were involved in the show, including Daisy Andrews and Mary Mclean, as well as essays by curators old and new, as well as by the editor. The catalogue contributes to the ongoing revisionism of the art history of the Western Desert art movement in Australia. While the artists affirm their interests in the country they are painting, the essays work to establish their place in the history of postmodern and contemporary art. The arguments presented engage with theories about art that were current in 1994, and attempt to resolve the schism between Aboriginal art and international art theory.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPerth
PublisherFremantle Arts Centre
Number of pages91
ISBN (Print)9780648356301
Publication statusPublished - 19 Feb 2018
EventBush Women: 25 Years On - Fremantle Arts Centre, Fremantle, Australia
Duration: 21 Jul 20188 Sept 2018


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