Breeding phenology of a terrestrial-breeding frog is associated with soil water potential: Implications for conservation in a changing climate

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Amphibian breeding is often linked to environmental cues. Given accelerating global climate change and habitat alteration, it is important to understand how environmental changes may affect male calling activity, the necessary precursor to mating. Here, we investigate the calling phenology and activity of Geocrinia alba, a critically endangered terrestrial-breeding frog with a highly restricted distribution in southwestern Australia – a region undergoing significant warming and drying. We investigated whether calling periods differed across eight sites during a single breeding season, and the environmental conditions associated with calling activity at the start, peak and end of the calling period. We found consistent and prolonged calling activity over several months of the austral spring, but the length of the calling period varied two-fold across sites, ranging from 3 to 6 months. Initiation of calling by G. alba was relatively similar across sites and was associated with warmer temperatures and higher soil water potential. However, the end of the calling period varied from October to January and was significantly associated with decreasing soil water potential. Calling only occurred when soils were close to saturation point, between −8 to −11 kPa, and therefore, breeding opportunities were likely also constrained by the length of time that soils were close to saturation. Changes in the regional climate, such as declining winter rainfall, could result in shorter breeding periods and consequently reduced breeding opportunities. More broadly, our study highlights the sensitivity of amphibians, particularly terrestrial-breeding species, to changes in soil water potential and temperature, and the importance of maintaining suitable hydrological conditions during the breeding period.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)353-364
Number of pages12
JournalAustral Ecology
Issue number2
Early online date23 Oct 2021
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2022


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