Biochar's influence as a soil amendment for essential plant nutrient uptake

Viraj Gunarathne, Sonia Mayakaduwa, Meththika Vithanage

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference paperChapterpeer-review

14 Citations (Scopus)


Biochar has recently become an interesting option for soil management in terms of nutrients depleted lands, which is now emerging as an increasing global concern. Since biochar is derived from biomass, they are high in carbon and may contain a range of plant macro- and micronutrients. In addition, the physical microstructure of biochar may crucially influence the role of biochar on plant nutrient uptake determining access to mineralized elements by soil solution, microorganisms, and plant roots. The beneficial use of biochar as a soil amendment in terms of increased crop yield and improved soil quality has been reported. This book chapter extensively discusses the influential nutrients in biochars and their effects on plant nutrient uptake. Further, alteration of the mechanism of nutrient uptake via biochar modification and the effect on nutrient transformation in soil have been reviewed. Biochar impacts on nutrient uptake by different plants under different environmental and soil conditions are not fully understood yet. This chapter will provide insights for future research directions in order to establish an effective biochar-plant nutrient interaction.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEssential Plant Nutrients
Subtitle of host publicationUptake, Use Efficiency, and Management
PublisherSpringer International Publishing AG
Number of pages21
ISBN (Electronic)9783319588414
ISBN (Print)9783319588407
Publication statusPublished - 7 Aug 2017
Externally publishedYes


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