Automated analysis and imaging of uncertainty in 3D geological models, Sandstone Greenstone Belt, Western Australia.

R.E. Murdie, F.J. Wellman, M. De La Varga, Mark Lindsay, M. Jebell, K. Gebner

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference paperConference paperpeer-review

    1 Citation (Scopus)


    We demonstrate a method for calculating and displaying uncertainties abociated with the building of 3D geological models from sparse datasets. The example given is the Sandstone greenstone belts in the Archean granite-greenstone terrane of the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia, where outcrop is limited and depth controls come from one deep seismic reflecion line and geophysical inversions. We present means of displaying uncertainties in 3D and as vertical line plots detailing the probablilities and uncertainties abociated with each rock unit.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of IAMG 2015: 17th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences
    Place of PublicationNetherlands
    PublisherInternational Association for Mathematical Geology
    ISBN (Print)9783000503375
    Publication statusPublished - 2015
    Event17th annual conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences - Freiberg, Germany
    Duration: 5 Sept 201513 Sept 2015


    Conference17th annual conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences
    Abbreviated titleIAMG 2015


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