Australia’s Leading Co-operative and Mutual Enterprises in 2024: CEMI Discussion Paper Series, DP 2401: CEMI Discussion Paper Series

Research output: Working paperDiscussion paper


This paper reports on a research study that maps the size and structure of the Co-operative and Mutual enterprise (CME) sector in Australia. The Australian CME Index (ACMEI) is a longitudinal study that can provide a better understanding of these firms and their economic and social contribution to the national economy. This year the study found a total of 1,819 active CMEs of which 80.6% were co-operatives, 15.8% mutual enterprises, 2% were friendly societies and 1.5% were member-owned superannuation funds. These firms had a combined active membership base of more than 34.8 million memberships1, managed over $164.3 billion in assets, and employed at least 89,046 people. They encompassed a wide range of industry sectors and provided significant economic and social benefits to their members.
Original languageEnglish
Place of
PublisherCentre for Entrepreneurial Management and Innovation (CEMI)
Number of pages39
ISBN (Electronic)ISSN 1448-2541
Publication statusPublished - 2024

Publication series

NameCEMI Discussion Paper Series
PublisherCentre for Entrepreneurial Management and Innovation
ISSN (Print)1448-2541
ISSN (Electronic)1448-2541


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