Assessing nanoparticle-based targeted drug delivery of a novel combinatorial treatment for secondary degeneration following neurotrauma

Priya Sarapna Rajoo Naidu

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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Treatment of chronic symptoms associated with neurotrauma may greatly benefit from the advent of bio-nanotechnology. This thesis presents a series of published studies that systematically evaluate the development of a polymeric nanoparticle designed for enhanced CNS-specificity by targeting the blood-brain barrier. The nanoparticle is also designed to deliver a specific combination of ion channel antagonists that has shown promising preclinical results against the progression of secondary degeneration that follows neurotrauma. Giving importance to protein corona formation on intravenously delivered nanoparticles, the results collectively emphasise the need for therapeutic outcomes to be evaluated in physiologically relevant conditions.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Western Australia
  • Fitzgerald, Melinda, Supervisor
  • Swaminatha Iyer, Killugudi, Supervisor
  • Dunlop, Sarah, Supervisor
Award date11 May 2020
Publication statusUnpublished - 2020


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