Anomalous Fall-Off in Velocity Power Spectra Caused by Sliding with Asymmetric Friction

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference paperConference paperpeer-review


Friction resisting sliding over contacted surfaces of faults or shear fractures is usually considered independent of the sliding direction. However, when the rock near sliding surface is anisotropic with a symmetry axis inclined to the sliding direction, normal constraint induces asymmetry, whereby friction forces resisting sliding in opposite directions are different. In this case the applied oscillatory force produces sliding towards the direction with the smallest friction such that macroscopic movement can occur even when the driving force oscillates around zero. Furthermore, friction asymmetry leads to emerging of a critical value of friction in the hard direction: for friction forces lower than the critical value the exponent of the fall-off of the velocity power spectra is near the conventional −1, while when the friction force reaches the critical value the exponent drops to −2. This phenomenon can be used for reconstructing the structure of rocks surrounding sliding fractures/faults.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMultiscale Processes of Instability, Deformation and Fracturing in Geomaterials - Proceedings of 12th International Workshop on Bifurcation and Degradation in Geomechanics
EditorsElena Pasternak, Arcady Dyskin
PublisherSpringer Science + Business Media
Number of pages8
ISBN (Print)9783031222122
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Event12th International Workshop on Bifurcation and Degradation in Geomechanics - Perth, Australia
Duration: 28 Nov 20221 Dec 2022

Publication series

NameSpringer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering
ISSN (Print)1866-8755
ISSN (Electronic)1866-8763


Conference12th International Workshop on Bifurcation and Degradation in Geomechanics
Abbreviated titleIWBDG 2022


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