An analysis of mobile robot navigation algorithms in unknown environments

James Ng

    Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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    This thesis investigates robot navigation algorithms in unknown 2 dimensional environments with the aim of improving performance. The algorithms which perform such navigation are called Bug Algorithms [1,30,62]. Existing algorithms are implemented on a robot simulation system called EyeSim [7] and their performances are measured and analyzed. Similarities and differences in the Bug Family are explored particularly in relation to the methods used to guarantee termination. Seven methods used to guarantee termination in the existing literature are noted and form the basis of the new Bug algorithms: OneBug, MultiBug, LeaveBug, Bug1+ and SensorBug. A new method is created which restricts the leave points to vertices of convex obstacles. SensorBug is a new algorithm designed to use range sensors and with three performance criteria in mind: data gathering frequency, amount of scanning and path length. SensorBug reduces the frequency at which data about the visible environment is gathered and the amount of scanning for each time data is gathered. It is shown that despite the reductions, correct termination is still guaranteed for any environment. Curv1 [19], a robot navigation algorithm, was developed to guide a robot to the target in an unknown environment with a single non-self intersecting guide track. Via an intermediate algorithm Curv2, Curv1 is expanded into a new algorithm, Curv3. Curv3 is capable of pairing multiple start and targets and coping with self-intersecting track.
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
    Publication statusUnpublished - 2010


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