Alexithymia and Emotion Regulation: the Role of Emotion Intensity

Ashish Mehta, Ella Moeck, David A. Preece, Peter Koval, James J. Gross

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When faced with negative emotions, the higher people are in alexithymia, the more likely they are to disengage from their emotions rather than engage with their emotions in an adaptive way. This emotion regulation profile is thought to explain links between alexithymia and negative life outcomes. What is not yet clear, however, is why alexithymia is linked to this emotion regulation profile. One possible explanation is greater emotional intensity. After all, initial evidence suggests that alexithymia is related to greater negative emotional intensity, and it is widely thought that greater negative intensity predicts the use of disengagement over engagement emotion regulation strategies. To address this issue, we conducted two intensive longitudinal studies (N = 273) to test three propositions, namely that in daily life (1) alexithymia is related to greater negative emotional intensity, (2) alexithymia is related to using more disengagement and less engagement emotion regulation, and (3) negative emotional intensity is a mediator explaining the link from alexithymia to using more disengagement and less engagement emotion regulation. In Study 1, we employed a daily diary design where participants reported on a negative event from their day. In Study 2, we used an intensive experience sampling design (nine surveys per day over seven days) to examine whether negative emotion intensity mediated the relationship from alexithymia to subsequent emotion regulation orientation. As expected, we found in both studies that greater negative intensity mediated the relationship between total alexithymia and more disengagement. However, only the difficulty identifying and describing emotion facets, but not externally oriented thinking, were related to negative emotion and disengagement. Contrary to expectation, total alexithymia was unrelated to engagement in both studies. Though in Study 2 alone, we found that externally oriented thinking predicted less reappraisal.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages17
JournalAffective Science
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 26 Sept 2024


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