Adapting strategic asset management practice for CAV: Impact assessment (PART 2)

Sharon Biermann (Publisher), Kerry Brown, Ferry Jie, Subhadarsini Parida, Hadrian Djajadikerta

Research output: Book/ReportOther output


Considerable work has been undertaken overseas and in Australia about monitoring CAV technological developments and undergoing trials, and identifying and developing legislation and regulatory requirements, governance frameworks in order to facilitate and be ready for the uptake of CAV.
However, little or no work has been done in relation to how the uptake of CAV may impact the practice of asset management. CAV in many forms and ownership models, including individual vehicles, buses, commercial vehicles, or trains, will operate on the existing infrastructure assets. This project explores how CAV may affect the asset and the business of managing the asset, throughout its life cycle. More specifically, the impact of CAV on asset management is assessed according to:
• Two CAV uptake scenarios: less than 100% uptake and 100% uptake.
• Six key asset management areas: policy, strategy, planning, legislation and statutory requirements, customer and stakeholder expectations and risk management.
Part 2 provides an assessment model for the impact of CAV uptake on the six key asset management areas, for the two uptake scenarios, less than 100% uptake and 100% uptake, and outlines and discusses the results of the assessment.
The Impact assessment model and assessment methodology include:
a) Consideration of the findings from the literature review, vis-a-vis the six key asset management areas: policy, strategy, planning, legislation and statutory requirements, customer and stakeholder expectations and risk management;
b) Preparation of impact statements for the six focus areas and assessing via Delphi methodology the impact likelihood, for the two CAV adoption scenarios: partial uptake and 100% adoption;
c) Presentation of the results and conclusions; and
d) Identification of opportunities and potential benefits for asset management, as well as areas of uncertainty, where the future impact of CAV on asset management is difficult to evaluate.
Key recommendations arising from the impact assessment:
Provide a framework for digital infrastructure; Develop and adapt standards in Australia; and Provide mechanisms to improve safety
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAustralia
PublisherPlanning and Transport Research Centre, University of Western Australia
Number of pages46
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2020


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