A walk down four streets that don't exist

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference paperChapterpeer-review


This chapter uniquely combines historical study with future-gazing to produce four architectural re-imaginings of Perth city. Derived from mappings of the city and research into its unusual past, the speculations contained here are both fictional and highly possible. Each ‘walk’ down a street involves an exploration of our urban and cultural history, sometimes deeply dark - as with George's allegory for the Prohibited Area, through which Aborigines were excluded from the city limits for nearly 30 years – but ultimately productive, as the narratives present a Perth that acknowledges even the saddest and strangest aspects of its history through distinctive and placeful civic architecture.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPerth: A Guide for the Curious
EditorsTerri-Ann White
Place of PublicationPerth
PublisherUWA Publishing
Number of pages16
ISBN (Print)9781742587554
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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