A study of pharmacokinetic properties of artemisinin combination therapy for malaria in specific populations

Sri Riyati Sugiarto

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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Studies of the pharmacokinetic properties of artemisinin-lumefantrine, the recommended first-line treatment for malaria, were conducted in three special populations: Tanzanian children with sickle cell trait/disease, Sarawakian adults with Plasmodium knowlesi infections, and non-immune overweight/obese healthy volunteers. Plasma concentration profiles show that currently recommended artemisinin-lumefantrine dose regimens for adults and children are appropriate in these clinical situations. Due to the large number of knowlesi malaria cases in Malaysian Borneo, an epidemiological survey was performed at high-risk locations in West Kalimantan across the border in Indonesian Borneo. The lack of knowlesi malaria cases detected suggests unexpected geo-epidemiological differences between the two regions.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Western Australia
  • Davis, Timothy, Supervisor
  • Davis, Wendy, Supervisor
  • Salman, Sam, Supervisor
  • Manning, Laurens, Supervisor
Award date26 May 2023
Publication statusUnpublished - 2023


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