A rapid fatal erythroleukemia caused by J2E cells can be treated ex vivo with erythropoietin

T.J. Farr, Chooi-May Lai, M.W. Beilharz, John Papadimitriou, K. Riches, E. Rossi, P. Garcia-Webb, Peter Klinken

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4 Citations (Scopus)


The J2E cell line is an immature erythroid line which terminally differentiates in response to erythropoietin (epo), producing mature, hemoglobin-synthesizing red blood cells. We have shown that when these cells were injected into mice a rapid and fatal erythroleukemia developed with symptoms of severe anemia and hepatosplenomegaly. Southern blotting demonstrated that the leukemic cells were the introduced J2E cells. In addition to spleen and liver, the bone marrow was a major site of leukemic cell infiltration, and when grown in vitro leukemic cells from bone marrow remained responsive to erythropoietin. We reasoned, therefore, that treatment of mice with this hormone should alleviate the erythroleukemia, but regular injections of epo in vivo failed to arrest the progress of the disease. However, when bone marrow from leukemic mice was exposed continuously to the hormone ex vivo, before reinfusion into naive recipients, a marked extension in life span was observed. It was concluded that ex vivo epo treatment could be used therapeutically for J2E cell erythroleukemias.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)900-907
Issue numbernone
Publication statusPublished - 1995


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