A Qualitative Study of Sacred Heart Mission’s Journey to Social Inclusion (J2SI) Phase 2 Program: Experiences and Perspectives of J2SI Study Participants

Monica Thielking , Bronte McLeod, Jessica L. Mackelprang, Jude Spiers, Zoe Callis, Ami Seivwright, Paul Flatau

Research output: Book/ReportOther output


This report presents the experiences of individuals involved in the qualitative component of a randomised controlled trial to evaluate the Journey to Social Inclusion (J2SI) Phase 2 program. Interviews with J2SI study participants from both the treatment group and the control group (J-group and E-group, respectively) were conducted at three annual intervals: Baseline, Wave 1 (18 months) and Wave 2 (36 months), which corresponded to the Baseline, Wave 4 and Wave 7 intervals of quantitative data collection (see Miscenko et al., 2017; Flatau et al., 2018; Seivwright et al., 2020). The findings compare and contrast the experiences of J-group and E-group participants across the following topics: challenges in the broader service system that create barriers to exiting homelessness, service needs and priorities of individuals with a history of chronic homelessness, and service experiences of J-group participants in the J2SI program.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAustralia
PublisherSwinburne University of Technology
Commissioning bodySacred Heart Mission
Number of pages33
Publication statusPublished - 3 Aug 2020


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