A prospective study of the prevalence, typology and pattern of macroscopically detected female genital injury after consensual and non-consensual vaginal penetration

Catherine Lincoln

    Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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    [Truncated abstract] The research reported in this thesis was undertaken in an effort to generate evidence-based information in relation to sex-related female genital injury, upon which medical witnesses can rely to provide valid opinions in sexual offence trials. Most of the research in female genital injury done to date has involved sexual assault victims, with relatively little data available in relation to genital injury arising from consensual sexual intercourse. Without the ability to compare genital injury occurring in both consensual and non-consensual settings, it is not possible to comment upon its significance in sexual assault victims. The few studies that do exist in relation to genital injury resulting from consensual sexual intercourse have used genital examination techniques such as magnification and staining, which are not used routinely to examine adult female sexual assault victims in all jurisdictions. As a consequence, they are of little interpretive value for forensic clinicians in Australia, where ‘naked eye’ or macroscopic genital examination is the accepted standard. Furthermore, review of the literature highlighted the importance of both forensic expertise and experience in primary care gynaecological examination in clinicians involved in this work, to ensure reliable identification and interpretation of genital injury.
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
    Publication statusUnpublished - 2011


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