A parameter-uniform Schwarz method for a singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion problem with an interior layer

J.J.H. Miller, E. O'Riordan, G.I. Shishkin, Song Wang

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    32 Citations (Scopus)


    In this paper we consider numerical methods for a singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion problem with a discontinuous source term. We show that such a problem arises naturally in the context of models of simple semiconductor devices. We construct a numerical method consisting of a standard finite difference operator and a non-standard piecewise-uniform mesh. The mesh is fitted to the boundary and interior layers that occur in the solution of the problem. We show by extensive computations that, for this problem, this method is parameter-uniform in the maximum norm, in the sense that the numerical solutions converge in the maximum norm uniformly with respect to the singular perturbation parameter, (C) 2000 IMACS. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)323-337
    JournalApplied Numerical Mathematics
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 2000


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