A multi-national survey-based evaluation of undergraduate/predoctoral endodontic education

Venkateshbabu Nagendrababu, Vellore Kannan Gopinath, Mohannad Nassar, Srinivasan Narasimhan, Paul V Abbott, Henry F Duncan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


AIM: To evaluate the current status of endodontic education and assessment at an undergraduate/predoctoral level in dental schools worldwide.

METHODOLOGY: The current survey comprised a 50-item online questionnaire related to undergraduate endodontic education. The project leaders emailed the survey's details to faculty members responsible for endodontic teaching at one dental school in every country to seek their willingness to participate in the survey. After the faculty members accepted, the survey details were sent to participants along with the survey link. Simple descriptive statistics were used to represent the data.

RESULTS: Amongst the 44 faculty members from different countries who agreed to participate, 36 completed the survey. Endodontic training starts in 50% of dental schools from the third year of the curriculum. Each dental school employs a diverse range of educational methods. During pre-clinical training, 19.4% of the participating dental schools used only natural teeth. Stainless-steel hand instruments, syringe irrigation with a needle, resin-based sealer and the cold lateral compaction technique are the most frequently used in pre-clinical and clinical training. A significant percentage of dental institutions necessitate that students treat a predetermined quantity of canals or teeth throughout their pre-clinical and clinical education. Dental institutions conduct formative, summative or a combination of the formative and summative throughout the clinical and pre-clinical phases of endodontic training.

CONCLUSIONS: According to the data collected from this survey, there are considerable variations in the curriculum for undergraduate/predoctoral endodontic programmes amongst the surveyed dental schools. Pre-clinical and clinical education should integrate a larger array of modern tools and procedures.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages16
JournalInternational Endodontic Journal
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 28 Oct 2024


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