A Methodological Case Study of High Resolution Rock Art Recording in the East Pilbara, Western Australia

Paul Bourke

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Heritage management in the spatial dimension: a methodological case study of the pros and cons of high resolution rock art recording in the East Pilbara, Western Australia. In 2014 Rio Tinto commissioned UWA Centre for Rock Art Research, Curtin University School of Spatial Sciences and IVEC to undertake a detailed rock art recording programme of 4 rock art sites at West Angelas in the East Pilbara region of Western Australia. As well as applying traditional rock art recording methodologies the project also aimed to produce a full dynamic record of the sites that could be recreated in the virtual or physical world should the Traditional Owners wish. In order to achieve this, the team undertook high resolution recording of the sites using photogrammetry and laser scanning. This paper examines the technology and methods applied to this project and the associated results within the constraints of a cultural heritage management context.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2015
EventAustralian Archaeological Association 2015 Conference - Perth, Australia
Duration: 1 Dec 20151 Dec 2015


ConferenceAustralian Archaeological Association 2015 Conference
Internet address


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