A How-To Guide for Making Online Pre-laboratory Lightboard Videos

Timothy Corkish, Max Davidson, Christian Haakansson, Ryan Lopez, Peter Watson, Dino Spagnoli

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference paperChapterpeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


This chapter details the creation and development of lightboard videos as an online pre-laboratory resource for first-year undergraduate chemistry students. The lightboard is a transparent whiteboard that allows students to always see the instructor’s face while content is delivered, removing the need to turn away from the audience as per a traditional whiteboard video. A series of videos have been created to move content originally used in the pre-laboratory discussion online. The videos focus on typical first-year stumbling blocks; in particular, those that deal with mathematical concepts essential for chemical knowledge. This chapter describes the process of making the online pre-laboratory videos from conception to completion: from multimedia design considerations to equipment specifications and setup, as well as some useful tips for filming. Student responses to the videos are also covered in brief, including some suggestions for future topics. Ultimately, this chapter aims to serve as a resource for those looking to incorporate lightboard technology as an online pre-laboratory video within an undergraduate chemistry course.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAdvances in Online Chemistry Education
EditorsElizabeth Pearsall, Kristi Mock, Matt Morgan, Brenna A. Tucker
PublisherAmerican Chemical Society
Number of pages15
ISBN (Electronic)9780841298224
ISBN (Print)9780841298231
Publication statusPublished - 2021

Publication series

NameACS Symposium Series
ISSN (Print)0097-6156
ISSN (Electronic)1947-5918


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