Visiting Scholarships provide opportunities for graduate students, early career faculty, researchers, and other young professionals who wish to use the Field Museum's collections in Chicago, USA. This grant enabled me to access the extensive Quaternary fossil material from the Nullarbor Caves and other WA localities, collected by Ernest Lundelius and William Turnbull during the 1950s-1960s. While currently stored in the Field Museum's Fossil Mammal collection, the deposits contain a wealth of fossil reptile material which could provide new distribution and community composition data for southern Australian reptile fauna pre-European colonisation (i.e. the introduction of pests and habitat modification). Complimenting ongoing research on the fossil mammal fauna, the reptile fauna from stratified excavations of Madura Cave, Weekes Cave, and Ivy Tanks Cave may also yield changes in faunal assemblage composition through time reflecting climate change in the Late Pleistocene.