Toby Burrows

Dr, BA W.Aust., MA Lond., PhD W.Aust., GradDipLibSt W.A.I.T.

  • The University of Western Australia (M204), 35 Stirling Highway,

    6009 Perth


Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Personal profile


Dr Toby Burrows is a Senior Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Humanities, and a former Senior Researcher in the Oxford e-Research Centre at the University of Oxford. He was previously the Manager of the Research Publications and Data Services unit in the University Library.

His main research interests are digital humanities, medieval manuscript studies, and the history of cultural heritage collections and collecting. He has been an invited participant in workshops funded by the European Science Foundation and COST, and has held visiting fellowships at the University of Pennsylvania, the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Churchill College Cambridge, and University College London. He has been a Chief Investigator on a range of Australian Research Council projects under its Discovery, Linkage, Linkage Infrastructure and Research Networks schemes.

Between 2014 and 2016, he was a Marie Curie International Incoming Fellow in the Department of Digital Humanities at King's College London.

Between 2017 and 2020, he directed the international project "Mapping Manuscript Migrations" at the University of Oxford, funded by the Digging into Data Challenge of the Trans-Atlantic Research Platform.

Roles and responsibilities

• E-Research - Programme Committee for the eResearch Australasia 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2017 Conferences; member of the organizing committee for the 2013 Computer Applications in Archaeology conference, held in Perth.
• Digital Humanities - reviewer for the DH 2012, DH 2013, DH 2014, DH 2017 and DHA 2012 conferences. Member of the local organizing committee for Digital Humanities Australasia 2014. Product Owner for the HuNI (Humanities Networked Infrastructure) virtual laboratory.
• Data archiving - manager of the UWA Research Repository and the UWA Research Data Online service, and directed the W.A. node of the Australian Data Archive (ADA).
• Research assessment - ARC Assessor; History and Archaeology discipline steward for the ERA assessments at UWA in 2010 and 2012
• Open Access to research data - member of the Advisory Panel for the Policy RECommendations for Open Access to Research Data in Europe (RECODE) project
• Journal publication - member of the editorial boards of Education for Information, Digital Libraries, Journal of Open Humanities Data; referee for Archival Science, Digital Humanities Quarterly.
• Book series - series editor for Medieval Media Cultures (Arc Humanities Press)

Current projects

(1) Mobilising Dutch East India Company collections for new global stories (2023-2027): Australian Research Council Linkage Project

(2) Mapping Manuscript Migrations (2017-2020): funded by the Trans-Atlantic Platform under its Digging into Data Challenge

(3) Collecting the West (2016-2021): ARC Linkage Project

(4) HuNI: the Humanities Networked Infrastructure: funded by NeCTAR under the NCRIS Programme

(5) Western Australian Digitisation Centre (2020)


  • Digital humanities (particularly the design of e-research infrastructure and the relevance of Linked Open Data and ontologies)
  • The history of cultural heritage collections and collecting
  • Medieval manuscripts (particularly their curation, description and digitization)
  • Serendipity in knowledge organization systems
  • Australian popular music and culture

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

External positions

Senior Researcher, University of Oxford

1 Jul 201731 Dec 2021

Academic Visitor, University of Oxford

1 Feb 201730 Jun 2017

Marie Curie International Incoming Fellow, King's College London

1 May 20141 May 2016

Research expertise keywords

  • Digital Humanities
  • Heritage
  • Medieval History
  • Linked Open Data
  • Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts
  • Knowledge organisation
  • History of cultural collections
  • Australian popular music


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