6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Rukshen Weerasooriya with the persons below:
Joe Hung
- UWA Medical School, Internal Medicine - Senior Honorary Research Fellow, Emeritus Professor
- Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Centre (CERC)
Person: Honorary
Patrice Mwipatayi
- UWA Medical School, Surgery - Clinical Professor
- UWA Medical School
Person: Adjunct, Doctor of Philosophy
Markus Schlaich
- UWA Medical School, Internal Medicine - Dobney Chair in Clinical Research
Person: Teaching & Research
Steve Wilton
- UWA Medical School, Centre for Neuromuscular and Neurological Disorders (Perron Institute) - Adjunct Professor, Contractor / Visitor
Person: Adjunct, Staff