Personal profile
Dr Rajinder Attar Singh is a lecturer in the Graduate School of Education at The University of Western Australia. She obtained her Doctoral degree from The University of Western Australia in 2013 and holds an MSc degree in Educational Technology from Malaysia. Rajinder has extensive and diversified teaching experience, having taught at various levels across two continents. Prior to completing her Doctorate, Rajinder worked as a high school Science teacher for over 20 years and has also tutored undergraduates, postgraduates as well as in-service teachers throughout her teaching career. She currently teaches and coordinates the Science Curriculum Units and Embedding Digital Literacies Across the Curriculum Unit in the Master of Teaching program.
Rajinder is interested in topics related to the disciplines of both STEM and Digital Literacies, particularly classroom interventions and teaching approaches. Her research centres on designing challenging, enriching, and innovative activities that addresses the diverse interests and needs of students. More specifically, Rajinder’s research has considered the incorporation of different teaching strategies within a school setting. She is keenly focused on applying her professional and technical skills that are aligned with the University’s goal to help deliver quality subject knowledge through careful planning and designing of curriculum related to interdisciplinary subjects. Her passion of ensuring that students are guided, enjoy and excel at their chosen discipline is what drives her.
Bahasa Indonesia
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
Education/Academic qualification
Education , Doctor of Education, Cooperative concept mapping and students' understanding of, and attitudes towards Science: A study in a rural Malaysian school, The University of Western Australia
16 Jan 2008 → 8 Jul 2013
Award Date: 11 Sept 2013
Education Technology, Master of Science , Universiti Putra Malaysia
1 May 2001 → 31 May 2003
Award Date: 14 Aug 2003
Industry keywords
- Education
Research expertise keywords
- Science education
- Cooperative Learning
- Concept mapping
- Constructivism
- Teaching & Learning