12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Qi Fang with the persons below:
Li Ju
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Professor
Person: Teaching & Research
Chunnong Zhao
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Associate Professor
Person: Teaching & Research
John Winterflood
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Senior Research Fellow
Person: Research
David Blair
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Emeritus Professor
Person: Honorary
Brendan Kennedy
Person: Teaching & Research
Sascha Schediwy
- International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) - Principal Research Fellow
- International Space Centre
Person: Research
Jyoti Kaur
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Research Associate
Person: Research
Andrea Curatolo
- School of Engineering, Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering - Adjunct Research Fellow
Person: Adjunct