Pauline Xu
  • The University of Western Australia (M514), 35 Stirling Highway,

    6009 Perth


Personal profile


Optometrist Pauline Xu is a senior lecturer and clinical supervisor in the Doctor of Optometry program at the University of Western Australia (UWA). Prior to UWA, she was a lead clinician in a prominent optometry-led diagnostic and imaging centre, where she developed a strong interest in advanced ocular imaging and retinal diseases.  She regularly contributes to optometrists' CPD program by presenting at national conferences and webcasts and publishing articles and case reports.  She has repeated engagements for peer reviewing from journals and co-authored an imaging atlas.  Pauline is a passionate educator who believes education should be learner-centred and effective.  In addition to UWA, she lectures undergraduate and post-graduate optometry courses at the University of New South Wales, Sydney.  As a researcher, she has managed several international myopia control clinical trials at the Brien Holden Vision Institute. 




Research expertise keywords

  • ocular imaging
  • retinal disease
  • collaborative eye care
  • clinical optometry