Nuru Said

Assistant Professor, PhD W.Aust.

  • The University of Western Australia (M004), 35 Stirling Highway,

    6009 Perth


Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Personal profile


Nuru Said is an Associate Professor at the Faculy of Earth Sciences, Department of minerals and rocks, King Abdul-Aziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. His PhD study addressed the spatial and temporal variations of the Yigarn craton mafic-ultramafic rocks using high quality geochemical, platinum group elements (PGE) and isotopic analyses. He applied the same approach to characterize the mafic rocks of the Birimian Terrane of the West African Craton (WAXI Project).

He has special interest and a strong academic focus in the areas of igneous petrology, geochemistry, petrogenesis and geodynamic setting of  felsic to mafic-ultramafic magmatic systems of all terranes and and geological ages; investigates the processes that led to to the genesis and preservation of ore deposits in various geodynamic settings; integrates multidicipilinary data sets in order to unravel the metallogeny and paleo-magmatic/hydrothermal evolution of mineral systems and controls on orebodies. As such, my scientific research interest focuses on characterization of magmatic systems and their contained mineralization and exploration. 



Name: Nuru M. Said, PhD
Telephone: +61 (08) 93932430
Mobile: +61 422 331 906
Address: 7 Whitehourse Drive\, Harrisdale WA 6112

University Contacts
Nuru M Said
Centre for Exploration Targeting M006
The University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway, PERTH, WA 6009
CRICOS Provider Code: 00126G
Phone +61 4 22331906
Email: [email protected]

Date and Place of Birth: 1969, Koloba, Oromia
Australian Citizen, 2003

Bsc, PGrad Dip, PhD W.Aust.

Roles and responsibilities

Research expertise in mafic-ultramafic and felsic rocks geochemistry of all ages and their contained ore deposits (especiall Archean and Proterozoic terranes).

Previous positions

Research Associate, CET,UWA

Current projects

SGS_Maaden Lithospheric evolution and metallogeney of Proterozoic terranes of the Arabian Shield.


The evolution of mafic-ultramafic and felsic rocks. In particular, linking between geochemistry, geodynamics and mineralization.


Afan Oromoo and other African Languages

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 13 - Climate Action
  • SDG 14 - Life Below Water

Education/Academic qualification

Geology and Geochemistry, , PhD, Geochemistry of mafic and ultramafic volcanic and intrusive rocks of the Kalgoorlie Terrane, Eastern Yilgarn, Western Australia: Implications for geodynamic setting , The University of Western Australia

29 Mar 20047 May 2009

Award Date: 20 Sept 2009

External positions

Associate Professor, King Abdulaziz University

1 Sept 2017 → …

Research expertise keywords

  • Elemental geochemistry
  • Isotope geochemistry
  • Igneous and metamorphic petrology
  • Tectonics and crustal evolution
  • Vulcanology


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