Mohammed Junaid

Dr, BDS (India), MDS (Public Health Dentistry), MFDS RCPS (Glasg.), DDPH RCS (Eng.), AFHEA (UK), PhD (UWA)

  • The University of Western Australia (M500), 35 Stirling Highway,

    6009 Perth


  • The University of Western Australia (M512), 35 Stirling Highway,

    6009 Perth


  • The University of Western Australia (M431), 35 Stirling Highway,

    6009 Perth


Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Personal profile


Dr Mohammed Junaid is currently working as a Senior Lecturer in Dental Public Health at the UWA Dental School and the Oral Health Centre of Western Australia. He has previously held research appointments at the School of Population and Global Health (UWA) and the King Edward Memorial Hospital. He continues to hold an honorary research appointment at the Telethon Kids Institute and an honorary teaching appointment at Sri Ramachandra Medical University, India . 

Dr Junaid is a clinician-researcher specialised in dental public health. He is a dentist by training and holds a master’s degree (MDS) in Public Health Dentistry from India and a Diploma in Dental Public Health from the Royal College of Surgeons of England (first dental public health specialist graduated from India to obtain this qualification). Furthermore, he has recently completed his PhD in Dentistry and Public Health from the University of Western Australia which was supported by the Australian Government International Research Training Program and Stan and Jean Perron Top-Up Scholarship. His PhD provided population level evidence on the epidemiology, neurodevelopment and hospitalisation outcomes of children born with rare craniofacial birth defects not documented previously. He has a long-standing track record as a successful clinical academic with membership of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, UK and an associate fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, UK.


He currently serves as a unit coordinator of the DENT3008 (Dental Public Health and Research Methodology) and module cooordinator of Public Health Dentistry for DENT5311, DENT5409 and DENT5410 respectively.  He also teaches into the DENT5603 (Dental Research Methodology) unit and serves as a tutor in the DENT3004 (Introduction to Clinical Dentistry) unit. 

He has previously worked as a senior lecturer in Public Health Dentistry for four and a half years in India (2014-2018) and was involved with managing and teaching this specialty to final year undergraduate dental students adopting different pedagogical approaches in diverse learning environments catering to individual student needs. He has previously tutored and marked public health coursework units  at the School of Population and Global Health and the UWA Medical School and is regularly invited as a guest speaker in dental public health and biostatistics in India. 


He serves as a clinical tutor within the Oral Health Centre of WA. He has independently practiced clinical dentistry as a general dental practitioner in India for eight years between 2011 and 2018 before moving to Australia to pursue his PhD in 2019.

Dental Public Health Practice

Dr Junaid organises the Clinics to Communities program which is a Perth based oral health education program wherein DMD year 1 students are rostered on external placements to Aboriginal schools/childcare centres, CaLD organisations, residential aged care settings, homelessness crisis hubs, language development centres, early learning centres and primary schools. 

Previously he has worked in diverse clinical settings including peripheral settings and outreach programmes providing ambulatory oral health services focussing on rendering primary oral health care by travelling to remote, and marginalized communities in Tamil Nadu, India. Furthermore, he has successfully co-designed a school oral health program for a private school in Chennai, India, actively participated in the Tamil Nadu oral precancer screening program and led many oral health promotional activities in the wider community.


He has a strong research track record in population health with 31 research publications (Scopus/WoS indexed) with many published in high impact dental and paediatric journals and serve as a peer reviewer of many international medical and dental journals of repute. Most importantly, he belongs to a small league of oral epidemiologists globally having significant expertise in the analysis of linked population administrative data (big data). He is a chief investigator on the proposed project [2023-2026] to explore mental health service use among children with craniofacial anomalies (through their life-course) in Western Australia using linked population data funded separately by the Australian Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Foundation, the Australian Dental Research Foundation (ICD-Dr Syd Dobbin AM grant-2020) and Perron Foundation totally valued at AU$ 213,211.35. Additionally, he was also awarded with the Perron PhD Career Launching award valued at AU$ 20,000 as he transitions into a post-doctoral phase of his career. He has built a strong collaborative network of multi-disciplinary researchers from across the country and worldwide working closely together on topics of national and global public health importance including Indigenous health, oral and craniofacial diseases, child disability and infectious diseases.

Apart from his role as an independent researcher, he supervised a dissertation of a Master of Public Health student at UWA to completion and has previously supervised research and mentored many postgraduate dental students in India.

Furthermore, he is a research member at the Central Ethics Committee of the Department of Health, WA and has previously been part of Scientific Advisory Sub Committee of the Women and Newborn Health Service at King Edward Memorial Hospital, Subiaco  to review and monitor quality of research within the organisation. He also serves as the treasurer of the International Association of Dental Research ANZ WA division. 

Dr Junaid is very passionate about reducing burden and improving life outcomes of children born with craniofacial birth defects through the application of complex linked population (big) administrative data and has strong research interests in population oral health, health inequalities, rare diseases, child disability, Indigenous health, and infectious diseases (especially Strep A and Rheumatic Heart Disease). 


He currently serves as a member  (early career representative) of the research committee at the UWA Dental School, DMD year 1 and MJDDENTS course coordinator. 

He has  previously served as an academic committee member for Meenakshi Academy of Higher Education Research University, Chennai, India, participating in improving quality of dental education within the university and served as a research resource person for the state-owned Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University teaching biostatistics to different medical specialties including dentistry.



Research interests

Population oral health, craniofacial birth defects, linked data analysis, health inequalities, rare diseases, child disability, Indigenous health, and infectious diseases

Previous positions

Feb 2022 - Oct 2023

Research Fellow

School of Population and Global Health, UWA

July 2023 - Oct 2023

Research Fellow

King Edward Memorial Hospital for Women

May 2019 - Oct 2023

Data Manager and Research Officer

Telethon Kids Institute

May 2015 - Dec 2018

Senior Lecturer, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College and Hospital, Chennai, India

June 2014 - May 2015

Senior Lecturer, Ragas Dental College and Hospital, Chennai, India


English, Urdu, Hindi and Tamil

Current projects

(i) Mental health disorders among children born with craniofacial anomalies in Western Australia.  A population based datalinkage study.

(ii) Rheumatic Heart Disease - Pregnancy (RHD-P) project. A multijurisdictional population based datalinkage study.

(iii) CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder - hospitalisation outcomes, medication use and sleep patterns, utilising the unique International CDKL5 Disorder Database.

(iv) Dental service utilisation among Culturaly and Linguistically Diverse Population groups.


Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities

Education/Academic qualification

PhD, Epidemiology of craniofacial anomalies and association with intellectual disability in Western Australia: A population-based study, School of Population and Global Health

Award Date: 14 Feb 2023

DDPH RCS (Eng.), The Royal College of Surgeons of England

Award Date: 1 Sept 2017

MFDS RCPS (Glasg.), Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow

Award Date: 24 Apr 2017

MDS, Association between maternal tobacco exposure, TGFA gene and the occurrence of non syndromic oral clefts , Madras Medical College

Award Date: 4 Sept 2014

BDS, Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University

Award Date: 3 Nov 2010

External positions

The Kids Research Institute Australia (Telethon Kids Institute)

May 2019 → …

Research expertise keywords

  • Epidemiology
  • Clinical Dentistry
  • Public Health
  • Population health
  • linked data analysis
  • Craniofacial Anomalies
  • Infectious diseases epidemiology
  • Birth Defects
  • Child Disability
  • Dental public health/epidemiology


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