Tim French
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Computer Science and Software Engineering - Associate Professor
- UWA Oceans Institute
Person: Teaching & Research
Du Huynh
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Computer Science and Software Engineering - Associate Professor
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing - Senior Lecturer
Person: Teaching & Research
Associate Professor Wei Liu
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Computer Science and Software Engineering - Associate Professor
- UWA Data Institute
Person: Teaching & Research
Ho Ching Iu
Person: Teaching & Research
Tyrone Fernando
Person: Teaching & Research
Mubashar Hassan
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Computer Science and Software Engineering - Senior Lecturer
Person: Teaching & Research
Chao Sun
- UWA Oceans Institute
- School of Social Sciences, Planning and Transport Research Centre
- School of Social Sciences, Geography - Senior Research Fellow
Person: Research
Benjamin Mcfadden
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing
- Multi-Discipline - Casual Teaching
Person: Doctor of Philosophy, Teaching
Pascal Sun
- Multi-Discipline - Casual Teaching
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Centre for Software Practice - Research Assistant
Person: Staff, Teaching, Doctor of Philosophy
Pejman Rowshan Farzad
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Senior Lecturer
Person: Teaching & Research
Tim Inglis
- UWA Medical School, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine - Associate Professor
Person: Teaching & Research
Mahsheed Sabet
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing - Adjunct Associate Professor
Person: Adjunct
Martin Ebert
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Adjunct Professor
- UWA Data Institute
Person: Adjunct
Sally Male
- School of Engineering, Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering - Adjunct Professor
Person: Adjunct
Michael Small
- UWA Data Institute
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Mathematics and Statistics - Professor
- School of Social Sciences,
Person: Teaching & Research
Ryan Bunney
- International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) - Research Software Engineer (Data Intensive Astronomy), Research Officer
- Multi-Discipline - Casual Teaching
Person: Staff, Teaching, Research
Artur Lugmayr
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Computer Science and Software Engineering - Adjunct Associate Professor
Person: Adjunct
Andreas Wicenec
- International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) - Senior Principal Research Fellow
- International Space Centre - Senior Principal Research Fellow
- UWA Data Institute
Person: Teaching & Research, Research
Katarina Damjanov
- School of Social Sciences, Media and Communication - Senior Lecturer
Person: Teaching & Research
Sharon Biermann
- School of Social Sciences, Geography - Professor & Director
- School of Social Sciences, Planning and Transport Research Centre
Person: Research
Doina Olaru
- UWA Business School, Management and Organisations - Professor
- School of Social Sciences, Planning and Transport Research Centre
Person: Teaching & Research
Tat Kei Chau
- School of Engineering, Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering - Research Development Consultant
Person: Staff
Rachel Cardell-Oliver
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Computer Science and Software Engineering - Head of Department, Associate Professor
- UWA Data Institute
- School of Social Sciences, Planning and Transport Research Centre
Person: Teaching & Research
Yuxia Hu
- School of Engineering, Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering - Professor
- School of Social Sciences, Planning and Transport Research Centre
Person: Teaching & Research
Jingbo Wang
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Physics - Professor
Person: Teaching & Research
Dov M. Gabbay
External person
M. Zakharyaschev
External person
I. Hodkinson
External person
Xin Wang
- Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- Utrecht University
- China Agricultural University
- Shenyang Agricultural University
External person
Daniel Gilmore
External person
Damyon Wiese
External person
Maarten Marx
External person
M. Bellgard
External person
Cécile Paris
- Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO - Data 61
External person
Szabolcs Mikulas
External person
Robin Hirsch
External person
Marcelo Finger
External person
S. Pinchinat
External person
D. Gabbay
External person
Qindong Li
External person
Ling Xin Chen
- Central South University
- University of Technology Sydney
- University of Newcastle
External person
Lyndon While
- Marshall Centre for Infectious Diseases Research and Training, University of Western Australia
External person
T. Gamble
External person
N. Gigante
External person
Omar Al-Bataineh
External person
Nicola Gigante
External person
Nicola Gigante
External person
H. Wansing
External person
A. Zanardo
External person
Lewis Tolonen
External person
I. Pratt-Hartmann
External person
Fei Gao
- Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
- Peng Cheng Laboratory
- Northeast Forestry University
- Shandong Provincial Hospital
- Zhejiang University
- Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine
External person
Robert Sullivan
External person
M. Bertello
External person
M Reynolds
External person
P. Terenziani
External person
B Thomas
External person
Mohammed Eunus Ali
- Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
- Hawassa University
External person
R. Taplin
External person
S. Pinchinat
External person
B. Moszkowski
External person
M. Kranz
External person
Yichang Liu
External person
Andrea Brunello
External person
Omar Bataineh
External person
B. Barcellan
External person
G. Governatori
External person
Rong-Hua Li
- Beijing Institute of Technology
- Peking University
- Guangzhou University
- China University of Geosciences Beijing
- National Engineering Laboratory for Big Data System Computing Technology
External person
Lu Chen
- University of Cambridge
- Swinburne University of Technology
- Wellcome Sanger Institute
- Sun Yat-Sen University
- University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
External person
K. Su
- CAS - Kunming Institute of Botany
- University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Chinese Academy of Sciences
External person
ZakharyaschevM ReynoldsM
External person
M. Finger
- Charles University
- NASA, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA), Universities Space Research Association (USRA), George C Marshall Space Flight Ctr, Univ Space Res Assoc
External person
J.H. Botha
External person
Nicola Gigante
External person
Tien Fabrianti Kusimasari
External person
B.R. Baker
External person
S. Fani
External person
C-C. Liu
- Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- China University of Petroleum (East China)
- University of Liverpool
- Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University
- Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
- Hunan University
External person
E. Trifonov
External person
[No Value] ReynoldsM
External person
M.A. Orgun
External person
Omar Bataineh
External person
Ian Hodkinson
External person
C. Dixon
External person
Maarten Marx
External person
R. Van Der Meyden
External person
Ian M. Hodkinson
External person
H. Lin
External person
S. Mikulas
External person
Quanxi Shao
External person
Lalinda Karunaratne
External person