Mark Israel


  • The University of Western Australia (M257), 35 Stirling Highway,

    6009 Perth


Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Personal profile


Mark has a degree in law from Cambridge and postgraduate qualifications in sociology (DPhil, Oxford), criminology (MPhil, Cambridge) and education (GradCertTertEd, MEdStud, Flinders). Between 1988 and 1992, Mark lectured in the United Kingdom. He moved to Flinders University in 1993 and became Associate Dean (2010-12) and Winthrop Professor of Law and Criminology (2010-16) at the University of Western Australia in 2010, Chair of the Board of Studies for the BA in 2014, and Deputy Chair of Academic Board 2015-16.

Roles and responsibilities

Mark is an Adjunct Professor in the School of Social Sciences.

He is available to undertake consultancy in higher education, research ethics and research integrity, and criminology. He has acted as a consultant to various institutions and agencies, including the Commonwealth, New South Wales, Queensland and South Australian Governments, CSIRO, the National Health and Medical Research Council and the European Research Council, and on educational matters to a range of universities and private higher education institutions in Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

His editorial roles have included being Associate Editor of the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, and Criminal Justice Ethics and Pacific Rim Editor for Critical Criminology: an International Journal. He is or was also a member of the Editorial Boards of Teaching Sociology, Enhancing Learning in the Social Sciences, Journal of Academic Ethics, Research Ethics, the Journal of Empirical Research on Human-Research Ethics, Research Integrity and Peer Review, and the International Journal for Educational Integrity.

Future research

Mark's current research interests include: research ethics and integrity in criminology, socio-legal studies and, more generally, in social science, and learning and teaching in criminology and law.

Funding overview

Public Purposes Trust of Western Australia. Smart Casual Live in Western Australia. CI1 with Assoc Prof N Skead, Assoc Prof M Heath, Ms K Galloway, Ms A Hewitt, Prof A Steel. A$23,142

Law Foundation of South Australia. Smart Casual Live in South Australia (2016). CI3 with Assoc Prof M Heath, Ms A Hewitt, Ms K Galloway, Assoc Prof N Skead, Prof A Steel. A$14,330

Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching Seed Project Grant (ID14-4320, 2015) ‘Smart casual 2: promoting excellence in sessional teaching in Law’. CI3 with Ms K Galloway, Ms A Hewitt, Assoc Prof M Heath, Assoc Prof N Skead, Prof A Steel. Category 1 Grant. A$225,000

Australian Research Council. Discovery Grant (DP130104760 2013-16). The expanding disciplinary scope of research ethics committees: an inquiry into need and resistance. CI4 with Dr LL Wynn; Dr KL White; Prof CJ Thomson. Category 1 Grant. A$225,000.

Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching Seed Project Grant (SD13-2745, 2013) ‘Smart casual: towards excellence in sessional teaching in Law’. CI2 with Ms A Hewitt, Assoc Prof M Heath, Assoc Prof N Skead. A$49,000

Australian Learning and Teaching Council Discipline Scholar, 2010 A$370,000

Australian Learning and Teaching Council Associate Fellowship, 2009. A$90,000

Australian Research Council. Linkage Grant (2009-11). Australian Jurors' Perspectives on Expert Evidence. CI3 with Dr JM Horan; Assoc Prof J Goodman-Delahunty; Prof I Freckelton. A$142,000

New and Noteworthy

Research Ethics and Integrity for Social Scientists: Beyond Regulatory Compliance (Sage, 2015)

Previous positions

Senior Consultant, Australasian Human Research Ethics Consultancy Services (AHRECS), 2007-present

Senior Consultant, Higher Education Evaluation and Development Consultancy (HEED), 2017-present

Adjunct Professor of Law and Criminology, School of Law, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia, 2010-present

Member, National Health & Medical Research Council Working Committee reviewing Section 3, National Statement on Ethics Conduct in Human Research, 2015-present

Member of National Ethics Application Form Advisory Group for the National Health & Medical Research Council, 2014-present

Current projects

Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching Project Grant (ID14-4320 2015) ‘Smart casual 2: promoting excellence in sessional teaching in Law’. CI3 with Ms K Galloway, Ms A Hewitt, Assoc Prof M Heath, Assoc Prof N Skead, Prof A Steel

Australian Research Council. Discovery Grant (DP130104760 2013-15). The expanding disciplinary scope of research ethics committees: an inquiry into need and resistance. CI4 with Dr LL Wynn; Dr KL White; Prof CJ Thomson.

Teaching overview

Mark teaches social research ethics at postgraduate level.


Mark has published in the areas of:
criminology (crime and the media, state violence, community corrections, victims),
research ethics and research integrity,
higher education (teaching criminology and law), and
racism (racial discrimination in recruitment, indigenous under-representation on juries, antisemitism).

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 4 - Quality Education
  • SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Research expertise keywords

  • Criminology
  • Research ethics and integrity
  • Higher education policy and practice


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