Activities per year
- 14 results
Search results
Australian Diabetes Society Diabetes and Liver Disease Subcommittee (DLDS) (External organisation)
Ayonrinde, K. (Member)
2022 → …Activity: Memberships › Membership of committee
Journal of Clinical and Translational Hepatology (Journal)
Ayonrinde, O. (Member of editorial board)
2021Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Editorial activity
Royal Australasian Colllege of Physicians Adult Medicine Chapter Overseas Trained Physician Assessment Subcommittee (External organisation)
Ayonrinde, K. (Member)
2021 → …Activity: Memberships › Membership of committee
Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (Journal)
Ayonrinde, O. (Member of editorial board)
2021Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Editorial activity
Journal of Hepatology (Journal)
Ayonrinde, K. (Reviewer)
2021Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Publication peer review
South Metropolitan Health Service (External organisation)
Ayonrinde, K. (Member)
2020Activity: Memberships › Membership of committee
Journal of Gastroenteology and Hepatology (Journal)
Ayonrinde, K. (Reviewer)
2018Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Publication peer review
BMJ Publishing Group (Publisher)
Ayonrinde, K. (Reviewer)
2018Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Publication peer review
Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics (Journal)
Ayonrinde, K. (Reviewer)
2018Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Editorial activity
European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) (External organisation)
Ayonrinde, K. (Member)
2017Activity: Memberships › Membership of professional association
Medical Journal of Australia (Journal)
Ayonrinde, K. (Reviewer)
2014Activity: Editorial work or peer review of publications › Publication peer review
American Association for the Study of Liver Disease (AASLD) (External organisation)
Ayonrinde, K. (Member)
2010Activity: Memberships › Membership of professional association
American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (External organisation)
Ayonrinde, O. (Member)
2009Activity: Memberships › Membership of professional association
Gastroenterology Society of Australia (External organisation)
Ayonrinde, O. (Member)
2004Activity: Memberships › Membership of professional association