Projects per year
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Sustainable Cooperative Enterprise - An Investigation into the Factors Influencing the Sustainability & Competitiveness of Cooperative Enterprises
Mazzarol, T. (Chief Investigator), Soutar, G. (Chief Investigator), Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator), Watson, J. (Chief Investigator), Sneddon, J. (Chief Investigator), Mamouni Limnios, E. (Chief Investigator), APAI, N. N. (Chief Investigator) & Wells, P. (Chief Investigator)
ARC Australian Research Council
30/06/10 → 29/06/13
Project: Research
Sustainable Cooperative Enterprise - An Investigation into the Factors Influencing the Sustainability & Competitiveness of Cooperative Enterprises
Mazzarol, T. (Chief Investigator), Soutar, G. (Chief Investigator), Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator), Watson, J. (Chief Investigator), Sneddon, J. (Chief Investigator) & Wells, P. (Chief Investigator)
ARC Australian Research Council
30/06/10 → 29/06/13
Project: Research
NPZ Pea Foundation - A Foundation Grant to Intercross Pea Lines in Preparation for a Future ARC Linkage Research Project & Variety Release
Cowling, W. (Investigator 01), Erskine, W. (Investigator 02) & Siddique, K. (Investigator 03)
Council of Grain Growers Organisation Ltd
1/01/10 → 31/12/10
Project: Research
Improving Food and Biofuel Production in Changing Climates: Development of New Brassica Polyploids in Australia and China
Cowling, W. (Chief Investigator), Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator) & Yan, G. (Chief Investigator)
DIISR Australia China Special Fund For S & T
1/01/09 → 31/12/10
Project: Research
Phytosphere: New Facitlities for Controlled Manipulation of Effects of Climate Change & Airborne Pollutants on Disease Epidemiology & Plant Performance
Lambers, H. (Chief Investigator), Small, I. (Chief Investigator), Whelan, J. (Chief Investigator), Millar, H. (Chief Investigator), Smith, S. (Chief Investigator), Barbetti, M. (Chief Investigator), Colmer, T. (Chief Investigator), Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator), Veneklaas, E. (Chief Investigator), Sivasithamparam, K. (Chief Investigator), Finnegan, P. (Chief Investigator), Plummer, J. (Chief Investigator), Ryan, M. (Chief Investigator), Yan, G. (Chief Investigator), Tibbett, M. (Chief Investigator), Rengal, Z. (Chief Investigator), Oliver, R. (Chief Investigator), Hardy, G. (Chief Investigator), Ellwood, S. (Chief Investigator) & Solomon, P. (Chief Investigator)
ARC Australian Research Council
1/01/09 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
Phytosphere: New Facitlities for Controlled Manipulation of Effects of Climate Change & Airborne Pollutants on Disease Epidemiology & Plant Performance
Lambers, H. (Investigator 01), Small, I. (Investigator 02), Whelan, J. (Investigator 03), Millar, H. (Investigator 04), Smith, S. (Investigator 05), Barbetti, M. (Investigator 06), Rengal, Z. (Investigator 07), Oliver, R. (Investigator 08), Colmer, T. (Investigator 09), Siddique, K. (Investigator 10), Hardy, G. (Investigator 11), Veneklaas, E. (Investigator 12), Sivasithamparam, K. (Investigator 13), Finnegan, P. (Investigator 14), Ellwood, S. (Investigator 15), Plummer, J. (Investigator 16), Ryan, M. (Investigator 17), Yan, G. (Investigator 18), Tibbett, M. (Investigator 19) & Solomon, P. (Investigator 20)
ARC Australian Research Council , Murdoch University
31/12/08 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
Using Modelling to Optimise the Structure and Function of Crop Root Systems for Dryland Agriculture
Rengel, Z. (Investigator 01), Siddique, K. (Investigator 02), Diggle, A. (Investigator 03) & Lynch, J. (Investigator 04)
ARC Australian Research Council
31/12/08 → 31/12/11
Project: Research
Sustainable Water Use Securing Food Production in Dry Areas of the Mediterranean Region
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator), Rengel, Z. (Chief Investigator), Smettem, K. (Chief Investigator) & Colmer, T. (Chief Investigator)
1/01/08 → 31/12/08
Project: Research
A Cryopreparation Facility for Western Australia
Atkins, C. (Chief Investigator), Baer, B. (Chief Investigator), Babourina, O. (Chief Investigator), Clode, P. (Chief Investigator), Dixon, K. (Chief Investigator), Dunlop, S. (Chief Investigator), Eubel, H. (Chief Investigator), Filgueira, L. (Chief Investigator), Kilburn, M. (Chief Investigator), Klinken, P. (Chief Investigator), Kuo, J. (Chief Investigator), Laing, N. (Chief Investigator), Leedman, P. (Chief Investigator), Ludwig, M. (Chief Investigator), Millar, H. (Chief Investigator), Pixley, F. (Chief Investigator), Saunders, M. (Chief Investigator), Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator), Sivasithamparam, K. (Chief Investigator), St Pierre, T. (Chief Investigator), Whelan, J. (Chief Investigator), Zheng, M. (Chief Investigator) & Ziman, M. (Chief Investigator)
ARC Linkage Infrastructure Equipment Facilities
1/01/08 → 31/12/08
Project: Research
Development of Conservation Cropping Systems in the Drylands of Northern Iraq
Siddique, K. (Investigator 01)
Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade
31/12/07 → 30/06/15
Project: Research
LP0776586 Physiological & Molecular Characterisation of Salinity Tolerance in Chickpea
Colmer, T. (Chief Investigator), Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator), Flowers, T. (Chief Investigator), Valdez, V. (Chief Investigator), Varshney, R. (Chief Investigator) & Gaur, P. (Chief Investigator)
1/01/07 → 31/12/10
Project: Research
Capacity Building in Production Agronomy and Farming Systems
Lambers, H. (Chief Investigator), Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator), Powles, S. (Chief Investigator) & Ryan, M. (Chief Investigator)
Grains Research & Development Corporation
1/01/07 → 31/12/12
Project: Research
Grower Group Network
Gianatti, T. (Chief Investigator), Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator) & Bagshaw, R. (Chief Investigator)
Grains Research & Development Corporation
1/01/07 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
Improvement of Salinty and Boron Toxicity Tolerance in Chickpea
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator) & Turner, N. (Chief Investigator)
Council of Grain Growers Organisation
1/01/06 → 31/12/07
Project: Research
LP0669515 Phosphorus - A Key Factor in the Development of Novel Perennial Herbaceous Deep-rooted Pasture Legumes
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator), Tibbett, M. (Chief Investigator), Bolland, M. (Chief Investigator) & Revell, C. (Chief Investigator)
1/01/06 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
An International Collaboration to Develop Interspecific Hybrids Between Chickpea and its Wild Relatives
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator)
Grains Research & Development Corporation
1/01/06 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
Development and Implementation of Molecular Markers for Lupin Breeding
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator), Yang, H. (Chief Investigator) & Buirchall, B. (Chief Investigator)
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
1/01/06 → 31/12/06
Project: Research
Fellowship - Training for Ms Asia Gulnaz
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator)
International Atomic Energy Agency
1/01/06 → 31/12/06
Project: Research
Seeds of Life 2
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator) & Nesbitt, H. (Chief Investigator)
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research ACIAR
1/01/05 → 31/12/11
Project: Research
LP0560884 - Predictive Models & Decision Support Systems for Virus Disease and Aphid Vectors of Lupin and Canola
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator), Jones, R. (Chief Investigator) & Diggle, A. (Chief Investigator)
1/01/05 → 31/12/06
Project: Research
Better Crop Germplasm and Management for Improved Production of Wheat, Barley and Pulse and Forage Legumes in Iraq
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator)
1/01/05 → 31/12/07
Project: Research
CGO 3-2004 - Accelerated Genetic Improvement of Desi Chickpea: An International Partnership Between DAWA, CLIMA, ICRISAT and COGGO
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator) & Khan, T. (Chief Investigator)
Council of Grain Growers Organisation
1/01/05 → 31/12/10
Project: Research
Yellow Lupin Improvement
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator) & Sweetingham, M. W. (Chief Investigator)
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Western Australia)
1/01/05 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
Aquaculture Feed Grains Program
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator) & Glencross, B. (Chief Investigator)
1/01/05 → 31/12/06
Project: Research
Accelerating the Genetic Improvement of Grain Legumes for Australia by Developing Doubled Haploid Technology for Field Pea and Chickpea
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator), Kuo, J. (Chief Investigator) & Khan, T. (Chief Investigator)
1/01/05 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
Faba Bean Breeding - Southern And Western Regions
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator) & Paull, J. (Chief Investigator)
1/01/04 → 31/12/07
Project: Research
Plant Health Management for Faba Bean, Chickpea and Lentils
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator)
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research ACIAR
1/01/04 → 31/12/06
Project: Research
Aquaculture Nutrition Subprogram: Evaluation of Value Added Grain Products for Atlantic Salmon and Black Tiger Prawns
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator) & Glencross, B. (Chief Investigator)
Fisheries Research & Development Corporation
1/01/04 → 31/12/06
Project: Research
Development of Value-Added Plant Protein Products for the Aquaculture Feeds Sector
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator) & Glencross, B. (Chief Investigator)
Grains Research & Development Corporation
1/01/02 → 31/12/05
Project: Research
Host Resistance, Epidemiology & Integrated Management of Faba Bean, Chickpea & Lentil Disease - WA Component
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator)
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research ACIAR
1/01/02 → 31/12/04
Project: Research
Fast Tracking South Australian Field Pea Germplasm to Western Australia
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator) & Khan, T. (Chief Investigator)
Grain Research Committee of WA
1/01/02 → 31/12/04
Project: Research
International Collaboration to Develop Robust Protocols for Doubled Haploid Production in Lupin, Field Pea, Chickpea and Lentil
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator)
Grains Research & Development Corporation
1/01/02 → 31/12/05
Project: Research
Fast Tracking Ascochyta Resistant High Quality Kabuli Chickpea Varities for Australia
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator)
1/01/02 → 31/12/05
Project: Research
Integrated management of botrytis grey mould of chickpea in Bangladesh & Australia
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator)
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research ACIAR
1/01/02 → 31/12/04
Project: Research
LP0211951 - Investigation of Environmental Staining and Storage Discolouration of Faba Bean
Plummer, J. (Chief Investigator), Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator), Harris, D. C. H. (Chief Investigator) & White, P. (Chief Investigator)
1/01/02 → 31/12/04
Project: Research
An International Collaboration to Develop Interspecific Hybrids Between Chickpea and its Wild Annual Relatives
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator)
Grains Research & Development Corporation
1/01/02 → 31/12/04
Project: Research
Travel - New Delhi, India 2nd International Congress of Plant Physiology on Sustainable Plant Productivity under Changing Environment
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator)
Grains Research & Development Corporation
1/01/02 → 31/12/02
Project: Research
Quality Screening Support for Pulse Breeching Programs Western Region
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator) & Khan, T. (Chief Investigator)
Grains Research & Development Corporation
1/01/02 → 31/12/02
Project: Research
Fellowship - Ascochyta resistance breeding strategies in chickpea: International colaboration
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator) & Malhotra, R. (Chief Investigator)
Grains Research & Development Corporation
1/01/01 → 31/12/01
Project: Research
National faba bean improvement program - Western component
Pope, T. (Chief Investigator), White, P. (Chief Investigator) & Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator)
Grains Research & Development Corporation
1/01/00 → 31/12/02
Project: Research
Yield improvement of chickpea and lupin exposed to terminal drought
Palta, J. (Chief Investigator), Turner, N. (Chief Investigator), French, B. (Chief Investigator) & Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator)
Grains Research & Development Corporation
1/01/98 → 31/12/01
Project: Research
On farm use and industry development of lathyrus in Australia
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator)
Grains Research & Development Corporation
1/01/98 → 31/12/00
Project: Research
International selection introduction and fast tracking of kabuli chickpea with large seed size,high biomass, yield and ascochyta resistance
Francis, C. (Chief Investigator) & Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator)
Grains Research & Development Corporation
1/01/97 → 31/12/00
Project: Research
Fast tracking and accelerated release of lentils in Western Australia
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator)
Grain Research Committee of WA
1/01/96 → 31/12/96
Project: Research
Travel grant - Drs Turner, Siddique and Wright to attend congress in New Delhi, India
Wright, G. A. (Chief Investigator), Turner, N. (Chief Investigator) & Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator)
Grains Research & Development Corporation
1/01/96 → 31/12/96
Project: Research
Facilitation of sowing at harvest of mediterranean legume germplasm
Clements, J. (Chief Investigator), Enneking, D. (Chief Investigator) & Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator)
Grain Research Committee of WA
1/01/96 → 31/12/96
Project: Research
Conservation of Mediterranean Legume Germplasm
Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator)
Grain Research Committee of WA
1/01/95 → 31/12/95
Project: Research
Screening and selecting alternative grain legumes for seedling resistance to redlegged earth mite
Gillespie, D. (Chief Investigator) & Siddique, K. (Chief Investigator)
Grains Research & Development Corporation
1/01/95 → 31/12/98
Project: Research