No photo of Jovana Gurbanski

Jovana Gurbanski


  • The University of Western Australia (M253), 35 Stirling Highway,

    6009 Perth


Personal profile


Jovana Gurbanski has been working at the UWA Business School since 2013 as an Administrative Assistant in the Management & Organisation Discipline. Working as part of a small team, she is responsible for supporting both academics and students in a busy, dynamic environment. The team works to constant deadlines and Jovana’s position requires extensive knowledge of a range of systems used within UWA.

Roles and responsibilities

The key responsibilities of Jovana’s position involve:

- Create and/or update unit (course) outlines in the unit information management system for Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses;
- Create and maintain unit sites in the learning management system (e.g. Blackboard Learn) as required by unit coordinators;
- Assist unit coordinators with the administration related to other teaching software;
- Liaise with teaching staff to administer assessments;
- Assist unit coordinators with administration of other teaching related activities such as surveys, timetabling, document formatting, data collection;
- Assist with events organising;
- Respond to enquiries and initiate action and refer as appropriate;
- Liaise with other areas and providers, applying a sound knowledge of support services activities;
- Assist with office management

Previous positions

Prior to this role, Jovana worked at ANZCRO as a Wholesale Reservation Consultant.


Jovana is fluent in Serbian and English.