12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of John Elliot with the persons below:
Alvenia Cairncross
- School of Human Sciences - Senior Research Officer
- UWA Medical School, Institute for Paediatric Perioperative Excellence
Person: Research
Peter Noble
- School of Human Sciences - Associate Professor
- UWA Medical School, Institute for Paediatric Perioperative Excellence
Person: Teaching & Research
Michael Hackmann
- School of Engineering, Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering - Contractor / Visitor
- School of Human Sciences - Research Fellow
Person: Staff, Research
Lynette Fernandes, SFHEA
- School of Biomedical Sciences, Pharmacology and Toxicology - Associate Professor
Person: Teaching
Rowan Sanderson
- School of Engineering, Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering - Research Associate
Person: Research
Robert McLaughlin
- School of Engineering, Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering - Adjunct Professor
Person: Adjunct
Jennie Hui
- School of Population and Global Health, Population and Public Health - Adjunct Associate Professor
Person: Adjunct