Jill was awarded a PhD in marketing in 1995. Her academic research focuses on services marketing as well as value cocreation, customer engagement and word-of-mouth. She has published widely including in the Journal of Retailing, the Australian Journal of Management, Psychology and Marketing and the Journal of Service Research. Jill was state Chair of the Australian Marketing and Social Research Society until recently and on the National Council of the same body. She is on the Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Executive and was co-chair of the ANZMAC 2005 conference held in Fremantle in December 2005. Jill was the Associate Dean of Research and Research Training at the University of Western Australia Business School from 2008-2010. She has played a strong role on research and education committees and in mentoring junior staff with respect to research.
1970-1973 University of Bristol, England, B Sc Honours Degree in Mathematics (Upper second)
1973-1974 University of Cambridge
Diploma in Mathematical Statistics
1988-1990 Curtin University of Technology Master of Business (Marketing) (Distinction)
1992-1994 Curtin University of Technology, PH. D. in Marketing. Thesis title: An Investigation of a Theoretical Model of Consumer Perceptions of Value
Future research streams:
1. What is the role of word-of-mouth in contexts such as energy saving behaviours?
2. Cocreation of value in healthcare
3. Practice styles, value co-creation and perceived value in financial planning.
4. Value Co-Destruction - at the Co-creation in Service and Customer Engagement Symposium in NSW in 2015, a group of us are exploring the negative aspect of value co-creation, that is value co-destruction. The project is in the early stages at present and will be presented at the CCIS and CE workshop in Berlin in 2016.
Australian Research Council (ARC) Grants:
“The Impact of Customer-Focused Business Strategies on Organisational Performance in a Professional Service Context” Sweeney, Jillian Carol; Soutar, Geoffrey N. and McColl-Kennedy Janet R. DP0450736, Amount $210,000, 2004-6.
“An Exploration of the Development and Effectiveness of Word-of-Mouth Communication in Financial Services Markets” Mazzarol, Tim, Sweeney, Jillian Carol; Soutar, Geoffrey N. (2004-6). Industry partner: StateWest Credit Society. LP0455705, Amount: $68,738, 2004-6.
“Customer Co-production in Ongoing Health Service Delivery: A Longitudinal Study”
McColl-Kennedy, Janet; Dagger, Tracey; Sweeney, Jillian Carol; Mirolo, Beverley; Hargraves, Maryanne. Industry partner: Haemotology and Oncology Clinics of Australia. LP0775220. Amount: $115,784, 2007-2009.
“Enhancing Sustainable Energy Saving Behaviour through Communication: a Longitudinal Study”. Mazzarol Tim W. , Soutar, Geoffrey N., Sweeney, Jillian C., Webb, David A., Henry, Jasmine, Brock, Helen, Cilona, Marina, Doeltsch Stephanie C. Industry partners: Office of Energy WA, Synergy WA, PureProfile, LP110100681. $180,000. 2011-2012.
“Funding Our Future: Perceptions of the Value of Financial Planning Advice” Plewa, Carolin, Sweeney, Jillian Carol, Zurbruegg, Michayluk, David, Industry partner: Financial Services Council. LP120100102 $100,000. 2012-2014.
Small ARC Grant:
“Understanding Cognitive Dissonance: Validation and Empirical Examination” Sweeney, Jillian Carol. Amount $6,100 (1997).
2001-2007, Associate Professor, UWA Business School
1995-2000, Senior Lecturer (1998-2000), Lecturer (1995-1998), Department of Information Management and Marketing, UWA
1991,Senior Tutor, Commerce Programme, Murdoch University
1990-1991, Research Officer, Institute for Social Programme Evaluation, Murdoch University
1988-1990, Consultant, Reark Research, Perth
1985-1988, Research consultant and tutoring, Freelance work./Research Officer, Institute for Social Programme Evaluation, Murdoch University
1981-1982, Market Research Manager, Metropolitan Transport Trust (now Transperth)
1978-1981, General Manager (1980-81), Senior Research Executive (1978-80), Market Feedback Analytics Pty Ltd/Marketing, Centre Research Pty Ltd, Perth
1977-1978, Research Executive/ Analysis Office, Consensus Research Pty Ltd, Sydney
1974-1976, Research Executive, British Market Research Bureau, London
Current research streams:
1. What is the role of word-of-mouth in contexts such as energy saving behaviours?
2. Cocreation of value in healthcare
3. Practice styles, value co-creation and perceived value in financial planning.
4. Value Co-Destruction - at the Co-creation in Service and Customer Engagement Symposium in NSW in 2015, a group of us are exploring the negative aspect of value co-creation, that is value co-destruction. The project is in the early stages at present and will be presented at the CCIS and CE workshop in Berlin in 2016.
5 Customer Engagement - a review and future research directions.
6 Platform Business Models - how triadic business models create value for each of their stakeholders.
Marketing Research Industry:
London, British Market Research Bureau 1974-76
Consensus Research Sydney, 1977-78
Market Feedback Analytics 1978-1981
Transperth 1981-1982
Institute for Social Programme Evaluation, Murdoch University, 1985-1991
Reark Research, part-time analyst 1988-1990
Marketing Research
Advanced Marketing Research
Advanced Marketing Services
Research Methodology
Buyer Behaviour and Decision Making
Word-of-mouth Effectiveness: WOM plays a critical role in marketing. Organisations are continually seeking new ways to achieve competitive advantage and word-of-mouth represents such an opportunity. However, previous research is limited, for example using word-of-mouth intentions to test the outcome of a consumer model. An ARC funded project (with Soutar and Mazzarol) develops a full understanding of word of mouth in terms of content and delivery, addresses the factors that lead to word-of-mouth as well also the consequences of word-of-mouth, and also identifies the conditions and situations where WOM is most likely to be effective. The study is unique in that it addresses the full cycle of word of mouth, that is the giving and receiving of word of mouth, as both are required for effective marketing. We have published papers in the European Journal of Marketing, as well as presenting at national and international conferences on the topic. PhD and Honours students have taken up this research direction, for example, extending the topic to electronic modes.
Customer cocreation of value in health: Customers can no longer be regarded merely as passive recipients of services. Increasingly, customers play a role in the production and delivery of service across many industries. Our ARC funded study (with McColl-Kennedy and Dagger) investigates cocreation of value in a healthcares setting. Specifically we identify how customers help develop their service experience and service outcomes. We investigate how this changes over time and also identify the effectiveness of field interventions on consumer cocreation and outcomes. The project has benefits at several levels, the customer, the clinic and the healthcare sector. Our industry partner in this project is Haematology and Oncology Clinics of Australasia Pty Ltd.
Enhancing Sustainable Energy Saving Behaviour through Communication: This ARC funded study (with Mazzarol, Soutar and Webb) investigates how participation in an online community can increase energy saving behaviour. We investigate the extent to which participation increases the motivation to save energy and the extent to which this is internally rather than externally motivated. We also explore the effect of word of mouth and other forms of communication on energy saving attitudes and behaviour. Our partners in this project are Synergy, the former Office of Energy (now the Public Utilities Office) and PureProfile.
Funding Our Future: Perceptions of the Value of Financial Planning Advice - this is also an ARC study with Plewa, Zurbruegg and Michayluk. this study examines engagement in the financial planning process, as as value in use and value cocreation styles.
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):