Carol Bower
- UWA Medical School, UWA Centre for Child Health Research (affiliated with the The Kids Research Institute Australia) - Adjunct Professor, Emeritus Professor
Person: Adjunct, Honorary
Melissa O'Donnell
- School of Population and Global Health, Population and Public Health - Adjunct Associate Professor
Person: Adjunct
Stephen Zubrick
- UWA Medical School, Paediatrics - Emeritus Professor, Senior Honorary Research Fellow
Person: Honorary
Matthew Cooper
- UWA Medical School, UWA Centre for Child Health Research (affiliated with the The Kids Research Institute Australia) - Adjunct Senior Research Fellow
Person: Adjunct
Jacinta Francis
- UWA Medical School, UWA Centre for Child Health Research (affiliated with the The Kids Research Institute Australia) - Adjunct Research Fellow
- UWA Business School, Marketing - Senior Research Fellow
Person: Adjunct, Research
Glenn Pearson
- UWA Medical School, UWA Centre for Child Health Research (affiliated with the The Kids Research Institute Australia) - Adjunct Associate Professor
Person: Adjunct
Phil Vlaskovsky
- School of Physics, Mathematics and Computing, Mathematics and Statistics - Research Fellow
Person: Research
Peter Richmond
- UWA Medical School, Paediatrics - Head of Division, Professor
Person: Teaching & Research
Helen Milroy
- UWA Medical School, Psychiatry - Professor, Chair in Child Mental Health
Person: Teaching & Research
Francis Mitrou
- UWA Medical School, UWA Centre for Child Health Research (affiliated with the The Kids Research Institute Australia) - Adjunct Associate Professor, Principle Research Fellow
Person: Adjunct, Research
Martyn Symons
- UWA Medical School, UWA Centre for Child Health Research (affiliated with the The Kids Research Institute Australia) - Adjunct Research Fellow
Person: Adjunct
Kathryn Ramsey
- UWA Medical School, UWA Centre for Child Health Research (affiliated with the The Kids Research Institute Australia) - Adjunct Associate Professor
Person: Adjunct
Jennepher Downs
- UWA Medical School, UWA Centre for Child Health Research (affiliated with the The Kids Research Institute Australia) - Adjunct Associate Professor
Person: Adjunct
Natalie R. Kippin
- The Kids Research Institute Australia (Telethon Kids Institute)
- Perth Children’s Hospital
- Curtin University
- FASD Research Australia Centre of Research Excellence
External person
Carmen Condon
- The Kids Research Institute Australia (Telethon Kids Institute)
- University of Notre Dame (Australia)
External person
Emma Argiro
- The Kids Research Institute Australia (Telethon Kids Institute)
- Department of Health (Western Australia)
External person
C. Rainsford
External person
Stefanie Schurer
External person
Katherine M Conigrave
External person
Melissa O’Donnell
- The Kids Research Institute Australia (Telethon Kids Institute)
- University of South Australia
- The University of Western Australia
External person
Peter Azzopardi
- Royal Children's Hospital
- South Australian Health And Medical Research Institute
- University of Melbourne
- The Kids Research Institute Australia
- Australian National University
External person
Christopher G Brennan-Jones
External person
J. Freeman
External person
Sharynne L Hamilton
External person
Tracey W. Tsang
- University of Sydney
- Westmead Hospital
- FASD Research Australia Centre of Research Excellence
- Prince of Wales Children's Hospital
- Children's Hospital at Westmead
External person
Elizabeth J. Elliott
- University of Sydney
- Children's Hospital at Westmead
- Sydney Children's Hospitals Network
- Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit
- Westmead Hospital
External person
Astrid Chapman
- The Kids Research Institute Australia (Telethon Kids Institute)
- FASD Research Australia Centre of Research Excellence
External person
Leah Cave
External person
Candace Browne (Rainford)
- The Kids Research Institute Australia (Telethon Kids Institute)
External person
Katrina D Hopkins
External person
Juli Coffin
- Current Int/Ext Staff with Grants
- The Kids Research Institute Australia (Telethon Kids Institute)
- Murdoch University
External person
Neil Reynolds
- The Kids Research Institute Australia (Telethon Kids Institute)
- FASD Research Australia Centre of Research Excellence
External person
Sarah E. Johnson
External person