Geoff Hammond

Emeritus Professor, BPsych W.Aust., PhD Roch.

  • The University of Western Australia (M304), 35 Stirling Highway,

    6009 Perth


Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Personal profile


BPsych (Hons), University of Western Australia, 1967
PhD, University of Rochester, New York, 1973

Funding overview

Medullary reticular formation in the detection of and response to noxious stimulation. Australian Research Grants Committee, 1974 – 1976.
Excitability of the human blink reflex. Australian Research Council, 1991 – 1993.
Psychological processes and the human blink reflex. Australian Research Council, 1994 – 1996.
Does selective attention to an auditory stimulus enhance its inhibition of reflex behaviour? Australian Research Council, 1997 – 1998 (awarded to G.R. Hammond & J.R. Ison).
Intracortical motor inhibition and human handedness. UWA Small Research Grant, 2001 (awarded to G.R. Hammond, G. Thickbroom, & M. Byrnes).
Experience-dependent plasticity in the left and right motor cortices of humans. UWA Small Research Grant, 2005 (awarded to G.R. Hammond). $11, 000
Processes for enhancing hearing. National Health & Medical Research Council project grant, 2010-2013 awarded to Robertson, D., Hammond, G, & Atlas, M.).

Previous positions

Assistant Lecturer, University of Rochester. Summer Session 1971 and Fall Semester 1971.
Temporary Lecturer, University of Western Australia, 1973.
Lecturer, University of Western Australia, 1974 – 1984.
Senior Lecturer, University of Western Australia, 1985–1991.
Associate Professor, University of Western Australia, 1992 – 2002.
Winthrop Professor, University of Western Australia, 2003 – 2011.
Senior Honorary Research Fellow, University of Western Australia, 2012 continuing.

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Medicine and Toxicology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. January – June, 1979.
Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, St Joseph's University, Philadelphia, PA. March – July, 1988.


My lab is using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to study cortical motor function (particularly hand function) in conscious behaving humans. Much of this work examines the function of the inhibitory and excitatory circuits within motor cortex which have been implicated in modulating its output (in shaping and refining the movement that is produced) and in its capacity for functional reorganization with experience. Studies are in progress on the motor cortical mechanisms of manual dexterity and handedness (the asymmetry of manual dexterity) and on use-dependent reorganization of motor cortex.

Motor control and reflex organisation
Behavioral neuroscience and experimental psychology
Research design and methodology

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being

Research expertise keywords

  • Behavioural and cognitive neuroscience
  • Motor control
  • Psychoacoustics


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