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Gender & Leader Evaluations in Australian Federal Elections
Denemark, D. (Investigator 01)
Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House
1/02/15 → 28/02/15
Project: Research
Establishment of the Australian Data Archive: An integrated research facility for the social sciences and humanities
Mitchell, D. (Investigator 01), Evans, B. (Investigator 02), Burrows, T. (Investigator 03), Denemark, D. (Investigator 04), Cordery, J. (Investigator 05) & Parker, S. (Investigator 06)
ARC Australian Research Council
1/01/11 → 31/12/11
Project: Research
Democratic Participation in a Globalized World
Denemark, D. (Investigator 01) & Print, M. (Investigator 02)
The University of Western Australia
1/01/10 → 31/12/10
Project: Research
Australian Social Science Data Archive: Provision of Advanced Research Infrastructure and Collaborative Environment
Mitchell, D. (Investigator 01), Evans, B. (Investigator 02), Western, M. (Investigator 03), Denemark, D. (Investigator 04), McCarthy, G. (Investigator 05), Nakata, N. (Investigator 06), Mazerolle, L. (Investigator 07), Byrne, J. (Investigator 08), Wiseman, J. (Investigator 09), Crozier, M. (Investigator 10), Kenyon, A. (Investigator 11), McLeod, J. (Investigator 12), Ferguson, C. (Investigator 13), Boreham, P. (Investigator 14), Cheshire, L. (Investigator 15), Burrows, T. (Investigator 16), Denning, R. (Investigator 17), Behrendt, L. (Investigator 18), Jakubowicz, A. (Investigator 19) & McDonald, P. (Investigator 20)
ARC Australian Research Council
31/12/08 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
Australian Social Science Data Archive ASSDA ASSDA Services for e-Social Science ASeSS for the NCRIS Research Capability Known as Platforms for Collaboration
Denemark, D. (Investigator 01) & Burrows, T. (Investigator 02)
National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy
31/12/08 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
Television Election Campaign News and Australian Politics
Denemark, D. (Chief Investigator) & Ward, I. (Chief Investigator)
1/01/03 → 31/12/04
Project: Research
Populist politics in Anglo-American democracies: Bulding a cross-national model of political change
Denemark, D. (Chief Investigator)
The University of Western Australia
1/01/02 → 31/12/02
Project: Research
Canadian Populism: Electoral Support for the Canadian Reform Party
Denemark, D. (Chief Investigator)
Canada-Australia Bicentennial Institutional Research Awards
1/01/02 → 31/12/03
Project: Research